~Chapter 5: Unlucky Attack~

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~Chapter 5: Unlucky Attack~

Rain poured down on the unlucky Windclan cats. Everyone was as miserable as the weather, well, everyone except Otterkit. "Rain!" she squealed, jumping playfully in a puddle. Falconkit and Turtlekit huddled together, watching from the entrance to the nursery. "You've got the heart of a Riverclan cat, you do." Turtlekit said, rolling her eyes. Otterkit growled in fake aggresion. "But I've got the skills of a Windclan cat!" she yelled, pouncing on her sister. This took Turtlekit by surprise and she rolled over with Otterkit, pawing at eachother with sheathed paws. Goldenfur watched from the warmth of the nursery, as the sky darkened. "Bedtime." she announced, standing up and herding her reluctant kits into the nursery.


Turtlekit hated the wetness of rain, but loved the sound it made. She listened quietly as it pitter paddered on the roof of the den. She decided to sleep with Goldenfur and her littermates tonight, since it was freezing. She curled her wet and muddy body next to her mother's warmth, wondering how Goldenfur managed to stay so dry. She closed her eyes and drifted off as her mother busily groomed her fresh and clean.


Turtlekit's eyes snaped open, and she awakened into a different world from what she left. Goldenfur picked her up by the scruff and stuffed her into the back corner of the nursery, so she was pushed up against her brother and sister and Meadowbreeze. She mewed in protest. "Mum? What's going on?" Otterkit asked frantically, her eyes darting around. "Fox." Goldenfur grunted, joining Spottedpelt and Hollowstep at the front of the nursery to guard it. Turtlekit looked under the warrior's legs into the camp.


Her eyes met the camp. It was still raining, and a fox was fighting off warriors in the middle. Larkstar barked orders, and Willowpaw and Frogpaw led the elders away to safety. Beepelt sprung onto the foxs back, clawing at the red fur vicoulsy. Cottonpaw landed blows on its shoulder, while Pebblepaw, Eagleclaw, Robinwing, and Snakeleg circled it, scratching every so often and looking for weak spots. Turtlekit's eyes widened as the fox snapped at Cottonpaw, who narrowly avoided the bite. Barking, it shook out it's pelt, throwing Beepelt to the ground. He got up quickly, his shoulder gashed, and joined Eagleclaw in attacking the fox's hind legs. The fox turned suddenly and charged towards Pebblepaw. Turtlekit gasped as she realized Pebblepaw had nowhere to run. It slashed his shoulder with it's teeth, leaving a bloody gash. He snarled at it but darted away, leaving a trail of dark red droplets behind him. "Starclan, let him be alright." Turtlekit murmured, her body shaking. The fox had it's fill of the warriors, and it raced out of camp.


The warriors straigtened and examined their wounds. Lakesong rounded all the wounded ones into the medicine cat den, and kept breezepaw busy with herbs. Larksong ordered Tigerstripe, Robinwing, Hawkfang, and Spottedpelt to go chase the fox oit of the territory. "Make sure it doesn't go into Riverclan's or Thinderclan's territory though." she grunted, and joined Lakesong in the medicine den. Spottepelt padded away with Hollowstep, and Goldenfur returned into the nursery. She silently herded the kits into their nest, settling down with them. "Mom?" Falconkit squeaked, "Shouldn't we check to make sure everyone's alright?" "In the morning." sighed Goldenfur, closing her eyes.


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