Eight: Carter

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long. I would say life has been a bit crazy, but that would be just an excuse and it has only been one or two week[s] of crazy. Really, I am not feeling motivated about this story at the moment. I feel like all I am doing are slightly pertinent filler chapters. I know where it's going,I just can't get there. I will go back later and fix this mess, but yeah... sorry.

Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


Dona Lunaris is right around the corner, and I have yet to go shopping for half of the gifts I need. What is Dona Lunaris? Well, it is the Werewolf Community's winter holiday. It is fives days long and on each day, you give a gift to different people. The first day is for The Moon Goddess. In a pack, that day is celebrated together, and the gift to The Moon Goddess isn't a box with a bow on it; each pack has a song and dance to thank her for giving us the abilities of a wolf (the reason for Dona Lunaris all together). The other days are celebrated with friends and family.

However, that may have to wait until tomorrow. Today, I have to argue some sense into my mate.

"No absolutely not! Are you crazy?"

"Crazy? How am I crazy? I think it makes a lot of sense!" Shelby waves her arms.

"How in the world does that make sense? It is ridiculous! I don't want you getting hurt." I plead with her.

"You think I'm okay with you possibly getting hurt?" Shelby crosses her arms in shock.

"Shelby," I sigh exhausted. "I have been training for years."

"I know but-"

"You haven't. And, I'm going to be blunt right now. I'm afraid you would be a distraction."

"A distraction!" She gasps almost sounding offended.

I walk forward and clasp my hands around her upper arms. "If you were to join the warriors the next time the rogues attack our pack, all I would be able to focus on is getting you away from there, keeping you completely unharmed. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the battle-"

"I can take care of myself. And, there are many warriors. Losing one isn't going to do a lot."

"I am going to be this pack's Beta in a few years. What kind of leadership would I be showing if I never fought next to my pack? What kind of respect would I gain? My job is to protect this pack, and I will do everything I can to do that."

Arms crossed, Shelby glares into my eyes for a minute or two. Finally, she sighs in defeat. "Fine, I understand."

A relieved smile appears on my lips. "Thank you." I peck her lips and drag her to the couch. "Now let's get started on season two of Parks and Recs."


Shelby's cool fingers rest on my shoulder as she leads me through the woods. The cold nips at my warm cheeks, and the snow crunches under my feet. The forest is silent; the birds are gone for winter; insects re off where insects go in the winter; other animals are off trying to find warmth.

"There is a rock by your right foot."

After entering the woods and walking a little ways, Shelby told me that her gift to me for Dona Lunaris is close. She slapped a blindfold over my eyes with a smirk I'm still not sure I should have trusted. For the past few minutes, we have been slowly walking down a slightly worn path.

"Whaaa!" My foot get caught on, what I think is, a tree root, and I tumble forward. I'm able to break my fall, but my fingers tingle from coming into direct contact with the snow.

"Oh my god! Carter!" I feel Shelby lean by my side. "Shit, I'm sorry."

I groan as I sit up. "Can I take this blindfold off yet?" I groan.

"No! I don't want you to see it coming!" Shelby argues. "Besides, it's only a few steps away now."

"Then why can't I just take-"

"Shush or don't get to see at all!"

I push myself up and stand once again.

"Okay, the path is clear from here," she tells me, but I don't know if I believe her.

I cautiously walk forward while Shelby continues to guide me by my shoulder.

"Okay!" Shelby grips my shoulder with more pressure halting me. "Here it is! Take your blindfold off."

I reach my hands back, trying not to smirk. My fingers wrap around the knot as I play with the tight twist.

"Hey, Shelby," I can't help the smirk from showing. "I think I may need a little help with this knot."

"Oh, sure you do," she shoves my arm a little, but she still walks behind me. I feel her pressed behind me as she pops up on her toes to reach. Her fingers skim along the end of the cloth against my cheek and around to knot. The touch of her soft fingers makes me shiver. "There you go," she breaths into my ear as the cloth falls away.

I blink at thee change of light before looking around me. We are an oval shaped clearing. It is small; maybe only ten feet wide at the biggest. There is a log to the side, and a creek can be seen through the trees. In the middle, there is a tarp with a comforter covering most of it.

Shelby grips my hand and laces our fingers together. She tugs lightly to guide me to the blanket. I sit down and pull Shelby into my lap.

"This is my special place," Shelby talks quietly. "I found it back in the beginning of middle school. I haven't shared it with anyone," she turns her head and shoulders so she can face me, "until now."

I peck her lips. "Thank you."

She smiles at me before pressing her lips to mine. My hands cup her neck, and I can feel the chain of the necklace I gave before we came out here.


A/N: I'm apologizing for this book so far. It is my least favorite book I have ever written so far. The plot is like WTF (What the flip:: or :: Why the face, if you are Phil Dunphy). Stuff is about to happen. This will be over soon (this will be short story and I promise I will fix it). I will continue DYTLM. I will fix this BS filled work. (Yeah, I care a whole lot about this at the moment right?)

Vote if you like the chapter, story or if you are craving a cupcake.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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