Ten: Carter+

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A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


Carter's POV:

I hear snow and leaves crunch from behind me. I turn to see Shelby liking back at me. I can tell her eyes are a little red and her cheeks seems somewhat puffy. I just want to run up and wrap her in my arms, but I--

I was so scared today. The full truth is that I was scared when I got there; then I found her there frozen. God! I can't even express the fear that ran through me.

We stare at each other for a minute before I turn around and pace a few steps with my hand running through my hair. I turn back and see a tear run down her cheek.

In four long strides, I have her wrapped in my arms. A sob shakes as she nestles into my chest. One hand tests in her head and the other runs up and down her back.

"Please never do that again," I whisper. I'm fairly certain my voice cracked.

She nestles deeper into my chest.


Shelby and I walk hand in hand back to the Alpha house from our spot. I feel the weird tension in my chest again as we walk closer and closer. On instinct, I release Shelby's hand in exchange for wrapping my arm around her shoulder. She snuggles into my side and sighs.

We make it to the backyard, and it is dead silent. I'm on guard as we walk into the house. You could hear a pin drop. I feel Shelby stiffen beside me. Suddenly, there is a slam from upstairs. I grab Shelby's had and run to the sound; there is no way I'm leaving my mate alone. We hear voices as we get closer to the office. I open to door and find Alpha Max embracing Luna Gwen as she sobs. Logan and Amanda are on the couch; Amanda is rubbing his back as he scrapes his fingers through his hair repeatedly. The sight makes my hold Shelby tighter.

"What's going on?" I asks softly and wearily.

Amanda is the only one to move. She looks up at me straight in the eyes. Her's hold grief and confusion. "They took Daric."

Shelby covers her mouth and a soft, choked gasp leaves her lips. I pull her into a full embrace and kiss the top of her head. "It's okay, we'll fix this," I whisper into her hair.


Daric's POV:

My whole body feels heavy. My eyes feel like they weigh a ton. All of my senses are groggy.

What is going on?

My back is slumped against a rough wall. My pants feel damp from the ground I'm sitting on. My head is rolled to rest on my shoulder. Over all, I can just barely pick out a moldy scent. Also, there are voices, but I don't know what they are saying.

Where am I?

My mind is cloudy. I can't remember anything beyond walking down the street to get to my favorite part of the forest to run. I was alone, like always when I go there.

What happened next?

"I think he's finally waking up," a shaky voice croaks.

I manage to open my eyes and look at the source. There are three people in a cell with me. They are dirty and seem to have been here for a few weeks at least.

"Who are you?" My whisper is harsh around my dry throat.

The guy closest to me, he seems to be late twenties with dark brown hair and olive skin, smiles. "I'm Scott. Welcome to rogue territory."

Before I have time to digest what Scott said, a metallic squeak bounds around the dim room.

"Shit," I barely make out a girl in the corner say.

Footsteps causes my hard sole shoes ring in the air, and before long, a man in a suit with two guys flanking him appears in front of the bars.

"Hello Anderson. So nice of you to join us here," The Suit talks. "I don't know if you know who I am, so I'll tell you; I'm Henrick Marvus. And when you were still in diapers, you family took something from that I'll never get back."

"Is that why you took me? You want to get it back?"

He slams his hand against the bars and two of my cell mates jump. "No! You stupid boy! I just told you I would never get it back." His eyes turn to oil as he bares his teeth at me.

After a few deep breaths, he straights. "Enjoy those filth for company. You'll be here for a while."


A/N: Okay guys, ease help me with the popularity thing. It's now my capstone project. I LITERALLY have two responses right now. Two. :| It doesn't take that long. Help.

Vote if you like the chapter, story or if you see stars.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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