Chapter Seventeen: My Milkshake

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A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

Cool song I wanted share on top/side. It's Brooklyn by Youngblood a brass band. Has a killer tuba player! Not that they other players aren't, but... just listen and you will understand.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


I pull up to Amanda's house around 6:30. I haven't seen her since school let out, and it is starting to kill me. It's my own stupid fault, too. I came up with this weird idea in my head that I didn't want to see her until now. Until I come to pick her up for our first date. I take deep breath and do my very best to not run at the door with wolf speed. I am able to hold it back to just human speed.

I ring the doorbell and wait. And wait. And wait. When will someone answers it's been hours! Or maybe it's been two seconds. Amanda finally answers the door. She is clad in a black dress with pink and white flowers and a zipper on the bodice. Over it, she has on a white cardigan, and on her feet she has white ballet flats. But, my favorite thing she is wearing is her radiant smile that stretches her cheek and twinkles in her eyes.

"Hey you." I stare into her eyes.

Her smile grows, if that's even possible. "Hey."

"I missed you."

"It's only been a few hours." She laughs.

"A very long few hours." I take hold of her hand.

"Yeah, it was." She pops up on her tip toes and plants a small peck on my lips.

"Well, let's not waste anymore time in the doorway and make up for it with our date tonight." I grin.

"Not so fast young man." I hear Chris call. He soon appears behind his daughter with his hands resting on her shoulders. "It's Wednesday night, a school night. I want my daughter home by 10:30. Not a minute later."

I nod. "Yes sir." How is it that I, the one who has alpha blood, am so intimidated by this man in front of me? It breaks quite a few rules. But, I guess it follows one: the father is always scary.

Once Chris leaves, I guide Amanda to my car and settle her in the passenger seat. I close her door and run around the car to slip into the driver's seat. I pull out of her driveway and change gears to drive. We start moving out of her neighborhood, and I slide my hand over to grip her hand naturally.

Soon, we arrive at the restaurant for tonight, The Moonlit Diner. It is close to the border of Silver Moon territory. I didn't want to run into a lot of pack members. In this case, it actually is a diner. They set it up to look like the classic fifties diner with black and white checker floors and sea foam green booths. The counter of the bar is pink, and the walls are filled with retro posters. As we walk through the door, a bell-that is actually a bell attached to the door-jingles. The song Johnny B. Goode fills our ears along with soft chatter from the other costumers.

Beth, a lower ranking member from the pack who is in her mid to late fifties, walks to us with a smile. "Hello Logan, what can I do for ya, Sugar?" She looks at Amanda and then sends me a wink. "Isn't she pretty."

"I'll tell you something if you promise not to share this information." I pretend to whisper to her.

"Oh, of course, Pumpkin! What is it?" She smiles.

"Amanda here-" I smile into Amanda's eyes. "-is my mate." Her eyes become unreadable. It seems as though a few emotions are swimming around for dominance.

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