Chapter Twenty-Two: When Your Feet Take Control

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A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


Last night, we got back to the Alpha house around 9:00. Amanda was not there waiting for me. I knew she wouldn't be. It just didn't make sense. I was gone for two days, and she avoided me like the plague Friday. She did the same thing today at school. She came into first period, talked to Mrs. Quinn and left. She wasn't at lunch. Shelby told me at lunch that she had someone find out where Amanda was going to. The person reported to her that she was in the library. I guess that's to be expected with her.

But, now I stand in front of a green door with a gold knocker. It's familiar, but my brain doesn't register why. My hand pulls up and forms a fist around the knocker. It them proceeds to pull it back and knock on the door. I hear foot steps approaching and my heart goes to my throat. The door opens allowing me to see who is inside. It wasn't who I was expecting, but at the same time it was. How did I end up here again?


I ended up driving Shelby home from school. She didn't have cheer practice today because the coach/teacher/whatever-you-call-her had a personal problem today. When I got to the fridge, I saw a note from Mom.

Logan, can you pick Mikena up from school today? Your father and I had to step out for questioning with the Warriors in the fight yesterday. Thank you, Mom.

Shelby came in behind me and saw the note. "I can get her." She smiles sadly at me.

I nod and walk to the table after I grabbed a water bottle. I pull out my homework and attempt to start, but it doesn't really work. Just five days ago, I was doing my homework with Amanda at this table. We joked, laughed, kissed. It didn't feel tedious to do 50 easy, but long, problems/questions with her. Now, it feels like carving my name into a chalk board with my nails over and over again. I set my pencil down and sigh as I rest my head on my palm. I peek out the window only to see the forest. The forest where we finally accepted each other. I take a deep breath to try to calm my self down, but that back fires as Amanda's lingering scent fill my nose.

I stand up quickly. The chair flies backwards, and my hands rest on the table. I step out of the kitchen and walk to the front door. I fling it open and step outside, closing the door behind me. I take a deep breath of the fresh-non-Amanda scented-air. I vaguely hear Shelby's voice from inside, but I ignore it and walk down the driveway. I step onto the dirt road and walk the half mile of road to the pack house then the next mile to the end. I make it to the road and walk along the side walk. The cooling air whips against my face, but I don't care. I drag my feet along with my hands shoved into my pockets. I wander around letting my feet carry me wherever the heck they are wanting to go. People start to appear on the walk way as I come to an area with shops and eateries.

I pass by the book store. I haven't been to since the day before I found out that Amanda is my mate. I pass by the park I took Mikena to with Amanda. I pass by the restaurant we took our parents to a short while ago to tell them that we accepted each other. I pass by the school.

Houses start to show up as I continue to walk. I've walk who know how far and it seems like I will continue to walk who knows how far. Just like the rest of my trip has been, the scenery around me looks familiar. My feet push on over the cracked side walk. A few leaves that have started to fall blow in the breeze. I sigh as I kick a rock.

I turn corner after corner until I notice I am on a driveway walking to the front door.


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