Chapter Nineteen: Facts Can't Always Help You

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A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


I awake with what feels like Crocodile Dundee's knife in my chest. Those stupid rogues! It is all there fault! If they hadn't attacked, we would have never fought, and I would have been able to sleep last night. But, no, life is mean, and I had to stay awake almost all night with Crocodile Dundee's knife in my chest because of some dumb rogues!

So, I know it isn't the rogues' fault. I am just no ready to say whose fault it really is. It hasn't been 12 hours yet! I think I am entitled to be like this when my soul mate just walk out on me!

My door opens.

"Hey Logan." Shelby speaks barely above a whisper. "I don't feel like going a million miles an hour today. So I will be riding with you." She chuckles. After a moment, she sighs. I hear the door shut and feel a dip in my bed. "It's going to be okay." She runs her hand along the top of my head.

"How do you know?" My voice croaks out.

I hear air rapidly escape Shelby's lungs as she chuckles silently. "You and your facts. But, Logan, not everything has a definite answer. Somethings you can only guess with."

"If so, then I will tell you my hypothesis for this situation. Amanda hates my guts."

"My poor, poor older brother." Amanda pats my head. "You really should've hung around more girls until now. She doesn't hate you. She is just disappointed. That's all."

"What difference does it make? She still left."

"She came to my room last night. We talked a little bit." She says expecting me to ask her what they talked about. I only grunt in annoyance. "Answer me this. What did she say when she was about to leave?"

I growl at her for bringing up at dangerously painful memory.

"Come on. It'll help you." She whines while smacking my arm.

"She said that I can't change her mind." I wince remembering the power of her words.

" 'Right now'. You forgot she said 'Right now'."


"What did she say when she had to stay?"

"Not to talk to her." I say in a monotone.

"While she had to stay that night. You again forgot an important detail."

"What is your point‽" I drag the blanket over my face.

"Everything she said was circumstantial to last night."

I remain silent, thinking over what she just told me. Could what she say be true? Could Amanda have only meant those things last night? Would I be able to get her back today?

"Now, get ready." Shelby stands. "We will talk more in the car." She walks out of the room and shuts the door.

I get out of bed slowly. My bones creak and my muscles stretch. My whole body is sore from the pain my heart is facing. I force myself into the shower by reminding myself of the grain of hope Shelby planted inside me. It isn't enough, though, to make me get into my Friday suit. I just throw on the first pair of jeans I see and the first T shirt I grab. I don't even bother with my hair or my glasses.

When I get down stairs, I am mildly surprised to see that Shelby is already to go. I would be more shocked if my emotions weren't being dulled by pain at the moment. No one talks in the kitchen as I grab a cereal bar and go. Shelby follows me outside and into the mid-October air. We climb into my car are take off to school.

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