Chapter one: Welcome to Neverland

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ChapterOne: Welcome To Neverland

POV:Finley: 18 year-old girl, human, world warper

Blood spurted out of my mouth as the hammer grazed my cheek. I was far enough away for it not to crush my skull, but close enough to have lost a tooth, or two, apparently.

I dropped down and spit out my recently lost molars and looked at my enemy. He was an ogre warrior of sorts, with a large muscular green body. On his neck was a golden medallion that was capable of turning whole oceans into ice. He needed it to conquer the world. I needed it to cool my Coca-cola...well, that was what I told him. And he took ita little too personally for my taste.

I stood up and unsheathed my sword that was strapped onto my belt. I staggered back. Blinked. Then I regained my composure.

The ogre warrior roared. "Die! You filth!"

"Says the one that smells like a seven-year-old gutter fish in a barrel..."I should really stop insulting my enemies...just maybe.

He charged towards me in full force. Normal eighteen-year-old girls would squeal and run at the sight of him. I just found it plain hilarious. I ran and slid through his enormously wide legs with my sword pointed straight up. Not a pretty picture, but he fell down dead instantly. I sheathed my sword back and after five minutes of grunting and groaning managed to turn him on his back so that I could retrieve the medallion. Next time, I should make sure to let large monsters fall on their backs.

I held out medallion towards the sun. It had a golden, bluish hue to it at the edges. With a little bit of blood on the rims, but it was very beautiful. I felt it vibrate, and soon realized it was my whole body doing so. Gus was summoning me. I was getting ready to go home...

Two days later...

"You defeated that orc as if it was nothing!" Gus, my superior, but more like my admirer said as he ran and hugged me. "It's good to see you alive yet again!"

I was back in headquarters, of the world-warpers, which mostly looked like a spotless hotel room. With many doors and windows looking out to space. That, I had to admit, was always pretty neat. Gus had warped me into an empty white space, with three large windows and as mall red door. I always found it a little creepy.

"Technically it was an ogre," I corrected and smiled at Gus. He wore an oversized blue coat with a green furry belt. His hair had changed...again, within a week that I was gone. Ever since that wizard, Gip...accidentally gave him the hairy-man spell, he would have a fully grown beard by nightfall, and his hair would be officially Rapunzel's length in a month. I told him to compete in the Guineas World Book of Records, but he just felt insulted.

My wardrobe was a little different, consisting mostly of black tank tops and sneakers. I didn't care whether I fit into the medieval worlds we often had to travel into...I liked these modern day tank tops...very handy for heat and hiding at night, where I do most of my work. And besides, dresses were beyond impractical.

"Well,you're officially through, you've qualified for the toughest quests!"Gus squealed...delighted. He loved the fact that I was thrashing the other workers. He took pride in the fact that he chose me, a prison rat, skinny and scrawny, and managed to change me into the best worldwarpers the world has ever seen. Little did he know, I did most of the work...and the changing or my neck was on the line. Literally.

Two hours later, with a large nap and a good meal, I went to Gus's supposed office.

I sat down in the designated blacked out room, on a chair near a supremely polished table. There was a flat screen TV ahead of me, and that's all I've had to deal with in the politics of hundreds of people questioning my every move. I liked it...they have taken so much from the modern era world...where the magic is literally the science. I found the old-fashioned magic to be cooler, however.

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