Chapter 11: Cheaters Never Win

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"He's just a boy,"

"Haven't you learned anything from your stay here?" Gus said. "That boy is evil."

I stared at Tootles frightened eyes. "My orders are to retrieve the pixie dust, not kill some boy!" I snapped. "And did you know, that the pixie dust is extremely rare? Any mission for pixie dust is useless here as in the Enchanted Forest."

Gus nodded, "Yeah...we know."

I took a step back. "What do you mean?"

Gus gave a frustrated sigh. "Look, there's a lot more to this place than meets the eye, including Peter Pan. I've heard you've been spending some considerable time with this trickster, and we want to test your loyalty." He shoved the gun in my hand and I gasped in pain. 

Tootles, who had been watching the whole time, looked at me with frightened eyes. I aimed the gun at him but hesitated. He was just a boy.

He was just a boy.

He was also an orphan. Like me.

I clenched my teeth. Here goes my supposed freedom. I fired at the two men next to him, blank on the chest. They were wearing bulletproof vests after all. But it flung them back. I struck Gus with the butt of my gun, then grabbed the knife tucked in my boot.

"Run!" I yelled at Tootles. He did not hesitate. 

Two more world warpers headed towards me, but I ducked the one's fist and struck the other square in the stomach. "Finley! Stop!"

I turned to see Quinton. Zeke was standing behind him, knife at his throat. "He may be loyal to our cause, but he will suffer because of you if you do not drop the knife."

I dropped the knife, a tear sliding down my eye.

Gus stood up, he was rubbing his jaw. "You're right, Pan's gotten into her mind."

"What shall we do with her?" Zeke asked.

"Strip her weapons, and plan B," Gus said.

Zeke threw Quinton down. He wanted to jump up and fight. I knew it.

"Quinton, don't," I said. "Don't."

Quinton looked at me with panicked eyes.

"I rebelled," I said. "I broke the rules." I turned to Gus. "It is fair that I should pay."

"What are you going to do with her, huh?" Quinton took a step forward, but another world warper reached out his arm to stop him.

"Relax, she just needs the night to cool off, Zeke, would you do the honor?" Gus said while laughing. 

Zeke grabbed the crossbow that was on my back and patted me down. "This way," he ordered, pointing the crossbow at me. 

I nodded and followed obediently, knowing that if I fought now, Quinton would pay. 

Zeke led me out of the camp and back to the beach. We were alone, and Zeke suddenly snickered. "Man, have I been looking forward to this," he said as he aimed the crossbow.  "Forgive me if I don't use the remote device for your neck. I'm embarrassed to say I might have misplaced it. But don't worry, I won't miss."

My eyes were tearing up, "All I wanted was freedom."

"And you would have gotten it if you just remained loyal!" Zeke snapped. "But now, I have the pleasure...nighty night."

Zeke's finger pulled the trigger, and I closed my eyes, expecting pain in my ribs at any moment. But nothing came.  I opened my eyes and gasped.  Standing in front of me, was Peter Pan. He had grabbed the arrow. He looked at Zeke. "Don't you know? Cheaters never win."

An arrow suddenly protruded through Zeke's chest and he dropped down, revealing Tootles standing behind him holding the bow. 


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