Chapter 19: Seconds to Live

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My first partner was a 50 year-old-mage who was half-deaf and stubborn as a dog with a bone. It was also my first quest, and I knew that we were going to fail. That was, until the mage taught me something, despite his hearing impairment, he could perceive and predict as no one could. He knew precisely who would betray us, and how to play along until we got what we wanted, and got out alive. That was a skill I sorely wished I had now. Unfortunately, the mage died in the quest thereafter, and one of the kindest partners I knew was taken from me...yet again.

I was running through the forest, trying to make my way to the World-Warpers. I had no idea where Quinton was, or Peter Pan, or Gus. And I only wanted to bump into one of them.

A whistle echoed on my left and I turned. I gave a surprised gasp as Quinton appeared, and I was not even halfway at the camp!

"Look, Quinton," I started with my heartfelt apology. He raised his hand as if to stop me.

"No need, I'm the one who should be apologizing," Quinton said before he ran to give me a bear hug. 

"Why?" I asked, muffled slightly as my face was in his jacket. I kind of liked it though. He was big, and I felt safe in his arms. And he had a warm minty scent.

Quinton took a step back. "Because, I was expecting you to think like a soldier, and just after I read your file." He shook his head and exhaled. "I placed too high expectations on someone who's merely been fighting for freedom and to survive.  I...was stupid, and angry and overreacting."

"You were simply caring about your friends," I said with a smile. I was beyond relieved that he wasn't mad at me anymore. 

"So...what are you doing here?" Quinton asked.

"You mean you weren't looking for me?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, sort off, I was ordered to patrol the area, and I bumped into're seriously lucky it wasn't somebody else," Quinton said. I nodded and laughed.

"Your lip isn't split anymore..."

"Yeah, that's another story to share at another time," I said shifting uncomfortably, my foot hitching on a tree branch. "But there is something you should know..."

I explained my detailed theory to Quinton and he frowned, listening all the way. "It'll explain the loss of deaths from the last ambush, but if Peter Pan is so intent on crushing everyone, why didn't he do it during the trade? And no offense, but why would Peter Pan want you as part of the trade?"

"All part of his game I guess," I said.


I turned around to see Gus and a few of his other goons appear from the bushes with guns up, ready to fight. Quinton protectively stood in front of me, but I knew it was of little use. And despite the sudden and extreme danger we were in, I appreciated the gesture. 

Gus lowered his gun and laughed. "See here, relax, everyone, she's a lost girl, one of them now," he winked at me, and I found myself churning in rage.

"So it is true? All of it?"

"You are a smart one, one of the best, I never doubted that," Gus said and grinned. "It is true, Peter Pan wanted the medallion in exchange...for use of his shadows."

"His shadows?" Quinton frowned.

"He owns more than one, and trust me, they're immortal beings that can rip out anyone's shadow at any time...beautiful work of art," Gus said. "Or potentially retrieve dangerous objects."

"You sacrificed all those people..."

"To save many more," Gus interrupted with a shrug. "And don't you think that we know of the latest Bonnie and Clyde bond which has been forming between you two?" Gus walked around us, circling us like a lion did its prey.

"It was so easy to..." Gus drew out a familiar green switch from his pocket. "Replace Quinton's switch with a dud, send him off in the direction you were heading and then meeting you there... the flawless plan...don't you think?"

I felt a familiar terror formed inside of me when I saw that switch, my greatest nightmare was coming true. I had to swallow the whimper building up in my throat, to keep me from crying out in fear. 

"Well, if everything has worked out so great for you, then why don't you just simply leave us here?" Quinton asked. "There's no way to headquarters without you..."

"Well, you see, as much as I'd hoped that would be the case..." Gus tilted his head and smiled apologetically.  "You see, Peter Pan has played us...he's killed so many of my men, then got the medallion, and there is no sign of the promised shadows..." Gus shrugged. "I hate being played."

"You should have known better than to mess with the Pied Piper," I said, standing straight, trying to look brave. 

"Yeah, well, I should have known from the very beginning, I guess," Gus said. "But I was too foolhardy, I should have ended it the first sign of rebellion on his side."

"What rebellion?" I asked. Quinton's hand took mine and squeezed it tightly. He could feel me shaking, and I knew he must be reeking with guilt inside of him.

Gus laughed. "Well, technically, it wasn't Maddox who was supposed to die..." he stared up at me, and for the first time, I saw a glimmer of rage in his eyes as it met mine. "It was supposed to be you..."

My heart raced at that fact.

"But Peter Pan wanted you alive, for some strange reason, and since I don't have my end of the bargain, I will take half of his..." Everything went slowly as I saw Gus's finger flip open the container and press on the switch.

I heard Quinton's painful yell of protest, but it was too late.

I had five seconds left to live

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