Chapter 15: Felix vs Finley

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My first time in prison was when I turned seven. I was a slave for a tyrant called Hector, Elvin, who had blamed me for all the thefts in the town. I was imprisoned, and  I remembered the stone cold walls closing around me, giving me an icy beating. Food was scarce, consisting of stale bread and polluted brown water.  If the prison guards had a bad day and were looking for a punching bag, then I was the answer. The only thing that kept me sane, was the thought and hope of freedom.

Peter Pan claimed I had it. But no matter what he said, I still felt caged.

I could never leave the island. This was a whole new prison of its own. And I felt suffocated. What was even worse for me was the strange feelings building up inside of me. He made me so terribly nervous, but not in the way I was used to with villains. 

But what was worse, was the thought of Quinton leaving me here on my own. In the few days I've gotten to know him, he had proven himself a true soldier and hero. Saving my life, and trying to rescue me.

  I was still seated on a stool near the river. I had grabbed a blade of grass and nibbled the end. I picked up a rock and tossed it onto the water. I grinned as it bounced and landed safely on the other side. Maybe it wasn't so bad here. Maybe I could find that feeling of freedom if I stayed long enough. I wasn't locked up in a cold cell. I could explore and live forever here. Maybe see the mermaids...

But in a world where I was potentially the only girl with a bunch of boys, who would never grow up...I would still be very much alone, isolated. Just like I was alone in my cold cell after all.

Taking a deep breath and then exhaling, I stood up. I ripped off the hairband and let my hair loose. It whipped back and forth in the wind and had grown long after all these years. Peter Pan said that I would never get to leave the island, but I've learned that despite how skilled he is; he can still be wrong. I would not give up hope that I could leave. But for so long, I would play along with Peter Pan's little game. Right until the point that I have the taste of freedom, and I am worlds away from Neverland.

When I returned to camp, all the lost boys were back. They were all standing in a circle, with two boys in the center. Felix, and another boy, slightly smaller, with red hair and a long face. The boy looked angry.

I snuck closer and took my place next to Tootles, who was watching and cheering.  Felix and the boy were playfighting, with two wooden poles, striking and fighting. The boy put up a good fight, but I could see the blows that Felix landed would finish him quickly.

"What's this?" I asked Tootles.

He jumped and smiled when he saw me. "Good to see you too," he looked again, gave a big whoop then turned to me. "Mock fights, we're preparing for battle after all."

"Oh really?" I saw Felix swipe at the legs of the boy, and he landed on his back. Everyone made a big, "Ooooh." But the boy stood up, now furious.

"I challenge the winner!" I called out.

"Are you crazy?" Tootles seethed.

Felix glanced in my direction and smirked. "Sure, thing, Lost Girl." He swung his pole fast and whacked the boy straight on the head. The boy fell down, and the fight ended instantly. I crossed my arms, looking unimpressed.

"Give the Girl a stick," Felix said.

The boys dragged away the poor red-headed boy and handed me his weapon. I took it in my hands, and felt the smooth pole, it's weight, and spun it a few times. I could see Nib's eyes grew as I swung it around, testing its versatility. I had a lot of frustration in me, and I needed to vent it out. And if I get to beat up the lost boy that knocked Quinton down, all the better. 

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