Chapter 14: Fire within

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When I opened my eyes, it was morning. I groaned and looked up. A lost boy was staring down at me. He had a cute freckly face with blondish hair. He looked seven years old, but in Neverland, age was very hard to tell. 

"And what's your name?" I asked as I shielded my hand from the sun. I did not feel like getting up just yet.


I nodded, "Morning Nibs." I stood up and frowned. "I could have sworn I heard gunfire."

"The world warpers had a run in with the natives. Peter Pan had the camp moved," Nibs said.

"Just like that?" I stared around. Sure enough, nothing about the campsite changed. There were tents and treehouses, but the terrain was different. The ground was sandier, and I could have sworn we were now closer to the beach. The site of the bonfire was also gone.

"Peter Pan has the magic to do it, and we don't complain," Nibs said. He smiled suddenly at me and looked a bit cheeky. "You danced very well last night."

Yesterday's events rushed back to me. I remembered the haze I was in and felt horrified. I was not in control of myself, not fully. Peter Pan's pipe must have enchanted me. What was worse for me though...was how much I actually enjoyed it. I blushed. "Please don't tell me everyone saw it."

"Just all the lost boys," Nibs said. "And Peter Pan of course."

I shook my head. "Well, that was a one-time thing, so..." I rubbed an itch in my leg and realized I was very dirty. Three days in Neverland would do that to you. And I was thirsty, and my bags were nowhere to be found. "Is there a safe river I can drink from?"

Nibs nodded and pointed to the trees a little to the west. "Just head straight, you'll find it."


Nibs bowed like a traditional gentleman, and I laughed. I froze. "Where're all the lost boys?"

"Hunting," Nibs said. "And scavenging."

"And they just left me here?" 

"Peter Pan left me to watch you."

"Right," I said, "And you were staring at me this whole time?"

"No, just went when you started whispering Peter pan's name,"

I blushed then frowned. The boy's smile was a little too wide. "You're joking..."


I shake my head and walk away, towards the direction Nibs directed me to. The choir and whistling of the birds carried on. It was as if for the first time, I was actually aware of the forest. It wasn't so dark as I was accustomed to. I broke through some bushes and made my way to a small river. I bent down and scooped the water, and brought it to my mouth. The water was refreshing, and I felt myself waking up even more. I stared up towards the brilliant blue sky. 


I turned around to see Peter Pan standing behind me. "Hey," I took the water and splashed my face. Then turned my legs to look at him. 

"I made you breakfast," Peter Pan motioned to behind me. I saw a small fireplace, along with two stools and a rock with two eggs on. That was most certainly not there before. 

"Seriously?" I said as I put my hands on my hips.

"If you don't eat it, then I will," Peter Pan said as he raised his eyebrow.

Realizing that I was actually hungry, I resigned and took a seat. I took a deep bite into the egg. It was actually good. 

Peter Pan walked to the water's edge then back to the other stool and took a seat.

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