Chapter 13: Pied Piper

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So what do you do, when you officially become the possession of an immortal teenager with a serious power craving? 

Well, I have no idea.

I followed Tootles through the jungle. Peter Pan had vanished not a moment too soon before I felt like punching him again. His smile, his eyes, it made me nervous. Tootles rubbed the leaves off his mouse brown hair and looked up at me. "Can I call you Lost Girl?"

"Call me what you like, kid," I said and spat out a hair that fell into my mouth. 

"I'm Tootles!" He called out, offended.

"Well, I'm Finley," I said and smiled back at him.

"Ah, I see," Tootles made his way through the jungle as if he was gliding through ice. He was smooth and fast. No wonder the Lost Boys always caught us off guard. Their jungle was their territory, and they knew it well. 

It took us a while, but soon we reached their campsite. I could have sworn it was farther north, but Tootles headed south. Not wanting to get lost, I decided to follow him. It was a wise choice indeed.

All the lost boys seemed to have been informed because they were cheering and whooping. And some of them patted me on the back. 

"Welcome to the boy band," Felix said with a smirk. He leaned against a tree, his scar very evident. 

Ahead of me was a bonfire, and I walked straight at it. The fire lit up the area, whipping and lashing at the wind. I sat on a branch and watched as all the boys started dancing around the fire. They made music with sticks and their mouths, and a whole load of energy. The choir of the forest seemed to join them. Crickets chirped, and the birds whistled and screeched. Suddenly I got entranced at the fire. It brought back memories. When I still had the taste of freedom. I was five years old, running around the fire near my cottage, chasing a butterfly. My mother called out to me then, telling me to be careful. I turned to see her smile as I laughed. It was my last sweetest memory.  It was an hour before my father burst into the doors, drunk, with a bag full of gold. It was the very night that he had sold me.

I looked up to see Peter Pan sitting across me, staring at me. I felt a squirm in my stomach. He did not look away. But I did. After a minute, I looked up again. He arose from his stool and took a seat next to me. "You're not joining in the celebration?"

I shrugged and smiled at him. "I'd like to pass for tonight." I spotted something strange in his hands. "What's that?"

"This?" Peter Pan lifted it up and I realized it was wooden pan pipes. 

"So you're  also a musical prodigy?"

"You can say that," Peter Pan said and smiled. It was different to how I normally saw him smile. For once, it actually seemed sincere.  "Maybe a song will get you on your feet."

Peter Pan lowered his lips to the pipes and started playing. I leaned down closer to hear but frowned. All that came out was air.  Then slowly, softly, I heard it. 

Emotions overwhelmed me, and I started to get dizzy. The music. It was terrifying, but at the same time, it made me happy. It was truly magical.  I stood up in a daze. Everything around me was blurry, but I didn't care. The figures around me danced, and I felt the urge to join them. I started to put one step forward and one step back. My hands suddenly wrapped around two sticks, and I hit them together. It was captivating. I took a deep breath of air and felt a shiver of delight rush through me. I was twirling. I was dancing! I was that little girl again!

I was free!

Just then as I carried on dancing, twirling and following the lost boys in the circle around the fire. I saw him. Peter Pan. He had stopped playing, but somehow, I could still hear the music. His eyes never left me, and I turned my back on him. The attention I was getting brought butterflies in my stomach. That wasn't supposed to happen. I could not...My thoughts faded and I carried on dancing and laughing. 

My vision grew darker as exhaustion overwhelmed me. My knees sank down and I felt myself falling down.

I was broken out of the daze by the sound of rapid gunfire.

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