Chapter 31: This is not the end

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I kept my breath even as I was heading to the Hook's ship. I checked my footing, as I did not want to fall as I stormed through the dense jungle.

"She's escaping!"

I did not stop as I heard whoops as the Lost Boys pursued me. A branch slapped my face and cut my cheek, but this did not deter me. I kept my arms in front of me as my legs kept moving. I was used to running, and now it was paying off.

"Where'd she go!"

"This way!"

"She's heading south!"

"She won't get away!"

My heart pounded in my chest as panicked thoughts crowded inside my mind. Quinton and Axel were already at the boats. They were waiting for and my secret plan.

I gasped right as the butt of a gun hit me on the head. I fell and rolled down. I felt the gun suddenly pressed on my neck, and Gus' savage eyes on me.

"Just die you..."

I kicked him between the legs and shoved him off. He flew straight into the tree. I grabbed the gun and broke it in half, fully aware of my white glowing eyes. "You won't be hurting anyone soon," I snapped, turned and ran...


Gus fell down the tree and groaned as he hit the ground. His blood matted hair was consistently getting in the way, but it was somewhat useful for hiding, which was exactly what he did. He snuck behind the tree, using his beard to wrap around his body, as it was covered with soil, blood, leaves, rocks, and twigs. The boys ran right past him without even noticing.

He pushed his beard off and grabbed the remote which he used as a GPS to track her. It fizzled. The battery was running low. He cussed and stood up. He gasped and stumbled back.

"Don't you know? Cheaters never win..."

"Ple..." Gus dropped down, dead, his dark, red heart in Peter Pan's hand. Peter crushed it within seconds and dropped the ashes onto the ground. He sank lower to the earth, listening, feeling, sensing.

"Hook," he muttered.


"Run!" I heard Axel scream to me. The boat, the Jolly Roger, was busy sailing away, getting ready to go. I heard the footsteps of many behind me, but I urged myself to go faster, and move my legs. I reached the sand, and the water, splattering against my legs. I did not risk to look back. It was too dangerous. If I looked back, I might actually stay. But I couldn't and wouldn't leave Quinton to his fate...

I reached the boat and grabbed the net. I was hoisted up with enormous speed as Axel pulled me up.

"Duck!" He cried and pushed me down against the boat as arrows whizzed past us.

"Do you have it?" I screamed at him. Axel took the bag and shoved it into my hands.

"Everyone's on board...but we gotta go!" Axel said.

I opened up the bag and stared at the precious amount of pixie dust. I closed my eyes.

"Your crazy plan better work, love, or my neck is on the line!" Hook said.

I nodded and threw the dust all over the ship. I closed my eyes, believing it to coat the entire boat.

There was a massive creaking and I was thrown back. I heard screams and cries below deck as the boat rattled and groaned, but the ship was flying...disappearing. I looked up over the balcony and stared down at Never Land, as the crowd of boys was gathering. My heart broke as I spotted Nibs and Tootles, standing together. Then I saw him...Peter Pan. He had managed to break free, but I could see he was weaker. He was standing at on the edge of a cliff, watching us ago...his eyes squinting, but he could barely move. I had actually done it.

I had escaped Neverland...alive......


1 month later...

I stared at Quinton who was fast asleep in a cryo chamber created by World Warpers designs from the futuristic world of Star Trek. I gently placed my hands against the glass, watching, waiting in anticipation.

Axel walked in, with a file in his hand.

I turned to him. "Any news?"

"The council has agreed, due to the large counts of wrongs and abuse Gus has done, that you have earned your freedom..."

I raised my eyebrow. "And?"

"And they will fund this quest of yours to Mystic Falls...but with an indemnity that if you die..." Axel pointed at the chamber pod. "They switch it off, and he breathes his last."

I gripped my hands together tightly. After their surprising return, the World Warper's interrogated them left, right and center. It turned out that Gus had committed multiple crimes and acts of treason against the committee. They did many searches to ensure none of us were also guilty. But we were found innocent, luckily.

There was no cure in headquarters for the poison that Quinton had received, and so they placed him in the cryo-chamber, where his heart beat so slow, it would take at least another hundred years for the poison to actually reach his heart. It gives me time...time to get the cure and time to train.

"So this folder?"

"Says all you need to know about Mystic Falls..."

I took it and opened it up.

"So when are we going?"

"We?" I asked with a frown.

"You seriously think Quinton will let me live if he hears that I just left you to survive on your own in a vampire-infested world?"

I grinned. "At least I've got magic..."

"Do you have control?"

"Getting the hang of it," I said with a shrug. I decided rather to leave out the fact that along with the magic, came a consistent vision of Peter Pan. I wondered why that was. I could not stop thinking about him. His promises...the kisses and moments shared, flying and dancing with him in the moonlight. It was all I ever dreamed about as replaced the nightmares I used to have. And then his promise...that he will find me...and that I will be his...

I shook my head and took out a picture of a man, with short honey-blonde hair and roguishly handsome face. "Who's this?" I looked up at Axel and asked.

He sighed and clenched his jaw. "That is Niklaus Mikealson....his blood is the cure."

I looked down at the photo again. Even though I barely knew anything about this man, I knew that this was going to be a challenge, perhaps even a greater challenge, as I would be facing one of the greatest immortals of all time, and try to get his blood.

But another threat loomed over my mind. What if Peter Pan never actually did fail? What if he arrives in Mystic Falls...What if the two immortals face each other?

Dear readers!

So although this is the end of Greatest Challenge, this is not the end of Finley's story! I will soon be publishing a new book called Greatest Immortals. The next chapter contains the cover, trailer, and teaser so to speak. Please comment on what you think about this story! I will be editing soon, and please don't forget to vote. This book has been such an incredible journey, but I have a feeling this is just the start. Please remember to keep on believing and see you in Greatest Immortals!

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