Chapter 30: A Glimpse of Hope

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", no no no," I repeated in shock. The pain in my shoulder dulled as the sense of dread pulsated everywhere within me. Quinton cannot die. He just can't.

The Lost Boys started appearing out of the trees and bushes, like a swarm of ants, ready for battle. Felix was suddenly at my side and knelt down. "What happened?"

Axel raised his gun, but I glared at him. Provoking the Lost Boys when they were heated and ready for battle was like poking a lion without expecting it to strike you down. He lowered it. "He's been shot, poisoned..."

"Where's Peter?" I asked Felix. He only shook his head.

"I don't keep track of Pan all the time..."

The boys gasped and jumped back in fright as he appeared out of nowhere. Pan stared at me with a grimace then at Quinton. He wanted to approach me,but I shook my head.

"Help Quinton first," I said. "He needs it...please." I tried to focus as my thoughts and vision was starting to get hazy. Pan kneeled beside Quinton.

"Well, aren't you in a pickle mate?"

Quinton gave a soft chuckle. "Seems to be." His eyes turned to me and widened.

I did not even know I was falling. It just happened, but as the uncontrollable dizziness swarmed around me, I felt smaller hands catch me. I was gently placed on the floor. I saw Peter stand over me.

"No, heal Quinton, please, he needs to be..." my eyes closed and I blacked out. The thoughts of saving Quinton never coming to an end.

I opened my eyes and I was back in my tent. I shot up, startled and felt my shoulder. Apart from the dry crusted blood, I was healed.

"Well, you took your sweet time to wake up,"

I grabbed the dagger under my pillow and pointed it before I recognized him. Axel. Great.

"How long was I out?"

"About two hours, it's mid-afternoon...."

"Almost time,"

Axel nodded.

"And Quinton?"

Axel shook his head. "Peter Pan tried...he's not going to make it."

"No..." I stood up. "I don't believe it."

"Well, you have to...ok?" Axel snapped.

"You knew it was werewolf poison, right? So it comes from your home town?" I asked abruptly. Axel nodded and stammered.


"And the cure comes from it as well?"

Axel nodded. "But it's really impossible..."

"How come?" I asked. "Why do you give up so easily on him?"

"Because the cure comes from the blood of an immortal..." Axel snapped. "One unlike any other, Peter Pan would seem like a breeze compared to him."

I snorted and laughed.


I glanced up at him. "Mystic Falls is rated 15nth in the World Warpers list of dangerous worlds to do quests in...Neverland, a whopping fifth...Why do you think it is like that?"

"Yeah well, it's only due to fatality rates, Mystic Falls, it's easier to blend in, here....well, you stand out better than a giraffe does in a mall!"

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