Chapter 5: Twist in the Game

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I walked towards Quinton and looked inside the bag. Peter Pan was right, and so was Quinton. This was pixie dust. I'd seen enough magical objects to know this was definitely something...and the fact it was dust and green made the conclusion even better.

"So, I guess all we need is some faith, trust and pixie dust in order to fly right?" Quinton laughed. I couldn't find myself returning the smile.

"What's wrong?" Quinton frowned. "Disappointed that I found it? Should have picked the other tree?"

I looked up at Quinton and took a deep breath. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"What do you mean?" Quinton frowned, but guilt seemed to flash in his face. My heart stopped. 

"I swear, you tell me right now," I said. Quinton took a step back.  

"You saw Peter Pan again, didn't you?"

"Does that matter?" I snapped.

"As a matter of fact it does, he's playing you...turning one of the best against us," 

"He has no control over me," I said and flung my hands in the air. "But when he told me that I should be careful of the people closest to kind of tells me that my team is hiding something from me..."

Quinton sighed and knotted the bag. He took a deep breath, "Zeke has it...your..." He motioned towards my neck and I touched it in shock.The trigger that allowed my chip to send an electric shock to my heart and kill me within seconds. And my own team member had my switch!

"No..." I gasped and took a step back. 


"Stay away from me!" I snapped.

"If you disappear now, Zeke will flip the switch...he's ruthless like that! At least he doesn't hold any grudge against you at the moment," Quinton said.

Anger surged through me. I was furious, at Quinton, at Zeke and especially at Gus, who had subtly promised that my kill switch would not be an issue on this mission. 

"And Peter Pan..."

"He's the only one thus far that has actually been helping me!" I seethed. "He's told us to look in trees...and guess what?" I pointed towards the bag Quinton was holding. "And now, he has thankfully warned me about my ticking time bomb in my  neck!" 

"He's turning you against us..." Quinton spoke, softly and slowly.

"No..." I shook my head. "He's only showing me the truth, it's his way of playing the game...and on the moment...he's winning." I  trudged past Quinton and shoved him against his shoulder. I then tossed him the radio I was holding. "Radio it in, they need to know what we've found." 

"So you're not leaving?"

I turned around. "If you really care about me, you'll help me get my kill switch."

"And what are you going to do with it?" Quinton asked.

"Destroy it, once and for all, and then...I'll help you finish this quest,"  I said. I crossed my arms, watching Quinton closely. He nodded somberly. 

"I hated the fact that we had to take it with us..." Quinton said. "Especially after I met're not..."

"What?" I asked.

"You're not what I thought you would don't scream criminal to me," Quinton said.

I sighed and glanced down at the ground. "That's because I was wrongfully imprisoned, and my only way out...was to become a world-warper. I didn't choose to become one...I was forced to, and I was forced to become the best." We made our way back to the beach as Quinton tried to radio in the success.

"Zeke...Zeke, do you hear me? This is Quinton..." the only response was static. I stopped walking.

Quinton tried again, and then again.

Finally, something happened.

"Zeke here..."

"Ah! Finally!" Quinton laughed. "Thought something happened to you guys."

"Something did..."

Quinton and I stared at each other in horrified silence.

"Maddox is dead,"

"I'm sorry what?" Quinton asked, but we both heard him clearly.

"Maddox was shot by a poisoned arrow, he's gone..." 

Hey! Hope you guys have an awesome day! I hope to at least post two updates by the end of the day, as I am hoping to finish this story before my studies begin! Hope again you're all enjoying it, and please feel free to comment, and if you liked this plot twist, please don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading!

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