Chapter 29: A Sealed fate

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When Nib's told me that Peter Pan could find me anywhere, that it was almost useless trying to escape, it sealed my fate. I was going to stay. After all, I could be happy here. I did not see this coming. No matter how many times Pan told me I would be here forever. I did not believe it.

Now I did. I nodded at Nibs and walked off in a daze. The thoughts of me being trapped fogged everything around me. I was going to stay here, forever and ever, in the forsaken jungle, with a villain who wants me, and Lost Boys who just want to play games and have fun. The concept was exciting, but I was terrified at the same time. My thoughts turned to Quinton, the honourable soldier, and a wave of unbelievable sadness crashed over me. He would believe that I stayed because of Peter Pan. That was true... I had to stay to protect them all. Who knows truly what Pan would do if I broke the deal and he could follow us straight home? He was capable of ripping out my heart alive, surely he'd be capable of doing so much more...

The Lost Boys camp grew eerily quiet. It was just me and Nibs again. The rest of the Lost Boys went hunting while we talked, but I sensed something was wrong. And apparently, so did Nibs.

"Finley get down!" Nibs cried as a load of gunfire resonated around us. Something pierced my right shoulder blade, and I cried out and fell to the ground.

"The shadows should be mine!" Gus suddenly appeared, along with three other World-Warpers. "I will not leave without it!"

"You've gone raving mad!" I screamed at him as I gripped my bloody shoulder. He walked towards me, gun pointed in my direction. His hair nearly reached his chest by now, and despite the fact that he just shot me, I found it somewhat amusing. "Pan is going to kill you if you don't leave right now!"

"Don't move boy!" Gus snapped at Nibs, completely ignoring me. "This is between me and my fellow apprentice."

"Apprentice? I think you mean former slave..." I spat out. "Why don't you just ever give up? First the arrow, now the gun!"

"Oh, trust me, it wasn't my gun that hit you..." Gus said. "If it'd feel it even more." He aimed the gun at me. "Now, see if you can catch this."

I realized in that moment that the bullets in his weapon were coated with poison. He was fully prepared to kill me this time.

But a knife flew and struck Gus's hand.

"Finley!" Quinton called out to me. I arose and ran towards him in a daze. The next few seconds all became a blur. I could feel Quinton's tight grip around my waist as he suddenly threw me aside. Another gunshot rang through my ears and I looked, horrified as blood spattered onto my face. Quinton got hit, in the stomach. I screamed as he dropped down. Gus was staring at me, smiling one moment then gone the next. Quinton fell down on the ground, his breath ragged.

I pressed tightly on the wound and Quinton moaned. I tried to stop the shaking, but somehow couldn't quite get over the shock of what had just happened. That bullet was meant for me. Now he had taken it, and he was going to die.

Nibs was at my side within seconds. He had some cloth with him which pressed on the bleeding wound.

"Where's Pan?" I asked in despair.

"I don't think he knows what just happened...I think he's distracted," Nibs said. "Otherwise he would have been here...I know it."

"Just stay with me..." I said as I pressed my hand against Quinton's forehead.

"At least I got to save you this time," Quinton chuckled with a grin. But his smile quickly changed into a painful grimace. "Axel, he's..."

I grabbed the knife that was strapped on Quinton's side as I heard footsteps echoing in front of me. A younger man, Quinton's age with short jet black hair appeared. "I came as fast as I could..."

"Who are you?!" I snapped at him.

"Axel," Quinton whispered to me. I then just realized...he was the vampire, and there was blood everywhere.

"Stay back!" I snapped.

"My blood can heal him" Axel spoke to me softly. "And you."

I shook my head as I touched my wound. Nibs had run to fetch more medical supplies. "I'm fine, just focus on Quinton." I took a step back as Axel bent down.

"You get yourself in the worst situations don't you bud?" Axel laughed. I gasped as his eyes turned red, and veins seemed to pop out. Fangs protruded through his mouth and he bit his wrist. The blood poured and he fed it to Quinton. Quinton coughed, but he drank some of it. I frowned.

"The wound is healing mate," Axel said. "Now just don't die for the next 24 hours and you'll be alright." His face suddenly turned normal as he looked at me. "So you must be Finley?"

I nodded, shell-shocked. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Axel said. "I would have loved better circumstances. I don't tend to reveal my deep dark secret to fine ladies such as yourself."

"She's taken," Quinton moaned tried to stand up. Axel helped him up, but he collapsed.

"What's wrong, I thought he should have been healed by now?" I asked. Axel frowned and nodded.

"He should be.." he lifted up Quinton's shirt. The bullet wound had grown infinitely smaller, but I gasped as something black and dark oozed out.

"Werewolf venom..." Axel muttered.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"It's impossible, the world-warper's banned this," Axel said and swore. "Gus must've taken some with him. It's a poison, normally only lethal to vampires, but the world-warpers wanted to create a poison that couldn't be healed through magic..." My eyes widened.

"You mean Peter Pan can't heal him then?" I said with dread.

"I'm afraid he'll have to get the cure directly from the source...and that my dear, is near impossible," Axel said. "I'm afraid Quinton is going to die."

Dear readers

I know things may get a little confusing, please bear with me. If you have no idea what these werewolf and vampire references come from, just please be aware it's coming from the Vampire Diaries, as these world-warpers can go anywhere. This story has been building up more and more, and I am really excited about where it is heading. I really hope you are enjoying it too! Please comment, I would love to get your feedback, and if you like this story so far please vote! Thank you! And keep on believing!

KBS writer!

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