Chapter 28: Nib's History

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The morning went on slowly. A lot of the lost boys had gone hunting. I wanted to join, but truth be told, many of them were afraid of me. And that was a big thanks to Pan's reaction at Echo. I sighed exasperatedly. I wanted something to distract me. Anything that would take my mind of the fact that I had a decision to make that would affect my life forever. Peter Pan may think he has control over me, and that I had no choice whatsoever. However, he was right about one thing, I was free now, free to make my own choices. But, as I looked up at him, his brown hair, and deep dark eyes, and the way he looked at me made my stomach squirm. He was a villain, and he was evil. But yet, I just couldn't shove of the feelings I had for him. Problem was, he knew that. He knows everything about me...except that I had a way out.

I quietly walked past Peter Pan, who only grinned then vanished to do who knows what. I headed towards Nibs. "You scared of me?" I asked as I approached him. Nibs was busy fiddling with an unarmed crossbow. He pointed at me and imitated shooting.

"Me? Scared of you? Never." He lowered the crossbow and grinned. "You like me too much."

I lifted my shoulders and shrugged. "True, too true...can I talk to you?"

"Isn't that what you're doing right now?" Nibs asked and gave his cheeky smile. Man, I loved that boy.

"I mean, out of earshot of eavesdropping boys?" I asked as I saw Felix walk closely by, staring at us.

"Pan can hear almost anything if he isn't distracted," Nibs said. "What you say to me, he will most likely hear."

"And what I say to Quinton?" I asked with a frown.

Nibs shrugged. "Who knows...but I do know that he has spies everywhere...that's how he knows stuff so quickly...or if you run away, where to find you...he's brilliant like that."

"How powerful is he? Magic wise?" I asked and through my hair over my shoulder. The wind was blowing it in my face.

"Have you heard of the Dark One?" Nibs asked, and I nodded.

"Rumpelstiltskin, the most powerful sorcerer or mage of magician...whatever the Enchanted Forest people call him," I said. "Why? Isn't Pan his father?"

"Yes, but Pan is known to be even more powerful than him...the magic on the island, it kind off flows threw him...he's scary good...if you know what I mean," Nibs said. "And immortal, well, or he soon will be."

The thought of the medallion crashed through my mind. "Do you like it here, Nibs?"

Nibs smiled and nodded, "As much as any boy here, I guess."

"That doesn't sound convincing," I said and frowned. I looked around the deep dense jungle. "Doesn't this get depressing?"

Nibs nodded and sighed, "Truthfully? Yes...but it grows on you."

"How old are you?" I asked, suddenly very curious.

"I was 7 when I left my home in Panem..."

"Wait, you were in the..." I stopped before saying hunger games, but Nibs seemed to already understand.

"I was a victor..."

"No wonder you were so good at fighting," I said and sighed. "That must have been hard..."

"Peter Pan offered me a life away from the parents both passed away in the rebellion..."

"I didn't realize there was a rebellion going on there,"

Nibs nodded, "It should be over by now."

"Wait, but that means that Peter Pan is capable of crossing just about any realms?" I asked, shell-shocked. This was a dark twist.

"Yes," he looked left and right then leaned in and whispered. "That means if you intend to'd better keep your head down...because Pan can find you anywhere, in any world..."

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