Chapter Two: The shadow

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"You saw what?" Zeke said with a deep voice. The first time he spoke to me, and he was already mocking me.

I crossed my arms, "Some black figure, with white eyes, I swear."

"It could be possible," Quinton said. "A straggling survivor mentioned about a shadow which ripped other people's shadow's out killing them in the process."

Zeke and I both looked at him with horror. He only shrugged.

"What? I read the notes,"

"Indeed,"  Nova finally spoke. "Do you think this could be Peter Pan's shadow?"

"Does it matter?"  Maddox huffed. "We're here to collect pixie dust. The longer we stay, the more we put ourselves in danger."

"Just one simple...little, tiny...small, question," I speak out loud. "Where do we find this...pixie dust? Or was it in the notes?"

They all stared at me blankly. It dawned upon all of them.

"Does anyone even know what it looks like?" I asked again. But I felt like the answer would be the same.

"Yeah, we're doomed," Quinton spoke. He grabbed a gun that was holstered at his back. "I think we better start looking."

"Where too?" Penelope asked.

"To the shore...I don't like the fact that we've been dropped in the middle of the jungle," Zeke said. "It's as if they wanted us to be slaughtered."

I raised my eyebrow at that and slide out my sword. The forest was dense, and to cut a pathway seemed the easiest option. "Was there a map of Neverland?"

"Nope," Quinton said. "Out of all the people that went, only one survived, and let's just say he didn't know much either."

"We head south," Zeke said and started moving forward. He halted in his tracks. "You've got the sword, do you mind?" He motioned me to move ahead.

"Of course," I said, but with a grimace.  I hacked at the leaves and bushes. I waved away the bugs that scattered and looked up as the birds stormed away from our presence. I flicked away loose strands of my hair that tugged free from my ponytail. This was going to be a long trip...

We reached a clearing and sure enough, it was getting dark in this oppressive jungle.

"Best we call it a night," Quinton said. "I'll take first watch."

"Bull, I'll take the first watch," Maddox snapped. "I want a good night's rest, thank you." 

I rolled my eyes. He would probably just wait until everyone fell asleep, then wake one of us up, telling his shift was over. It was normally how it worked. 

We all collected wood together to build a fireplace. It was hard to find enough sticks as a lot of them were damp. Quinton and I suddenly made it a competition to get the most wood. However, as it grew darker we returned to the campsite with a small bundle each. We swallowed as Nova brought with her a massive stack.  I chose a spot near Quinton under a mossy patch near a tree. I lay down, using my backpack as a pillow and closed my eyes. Hopefully I would sleep without any nightmares this time.

I awoke to someone screaming. I shot up, horrified to see Maddox standing, shooting up in the sky.

"Die! Die! You ghost!" he swore and let shots of loose in the air. 

I ducked for shelter underneath a tree, and Quinton joined me. 

Zeke was screaming at him, and Nora and Penelope were nowhere to be seen. 

"Stop! You're gonna get us all killed!" I yelled at Maddox. "Stop you, idiot!"

But Maddox did not stop. His eyes were blood-crazed, and his face was as white as a sheet. How on earth was he one of the best again?

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