Chapter 25: Protective Pan

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I hated the fact that I was defeated by Peter Pan. I hated the fact that Gus betrayed me. I hated my father and the fact that he abandoned me. But somehow, I just couldn't hate Pan. He gave me enough reasons himself, but he also gave me reasons to like him. And I actually hated the fact that things weren't so simple for me. I wanted to leave, but I wanted to stay. I wanted to make things right with Quinton, but maybe, it would be better if that didn't happen.

I left on the boat and headed back towards the Lost Boys camp. Did I find some answers? That I did, but it was answers I didn't like. And as I walked through the clearing to the Lost Boys camp, I immediately knew that leaving was a mistake.

The boys were in a circle again, fighting, chanting, yelling. The boy I had a fight with, Echo was at it again, but this time, with Quinton.

"Stop!" I called out, running towards the group. I tried to push through, but they were too excited to give me any space.

Echo was big, about Quinton's size, and they threw punches and kicks. Quinton had a good grip, but his foot slipped and Echo managed to wriggle out and give a large whack on the head. Quinton spat out blood and returned the favour. Echo tackled Quinton to the ground, and Quinton fought back, holding Echo down with his legs.

I whacked the boy on my left in the circle on the head so that he could stumble and move enough that I could slip through.

"Stop!" I cried again. Echo was on top of Quinton, his fist ready to deliver a hard and potentially deadly blow. I grabbed Echo's hand, and he lashed out at me with his other, striking me in the jaw and mouth. I fell back, my lip split yet again, and my cheek sensitive. I stood up, furious as he wanted to hit Quinton again. I kicked on Echo's back and he fell forward. Quinton successfully pushed him off and wanted to continue. But a shrill whistle interrupted the fight.

"Now you're in trouble, Echo," Felix said, suddenly appearing. He looked at me then back at him. "You hurt Pan's girl."

The boys quickly gave way to Pan, who walked in. He charged straight towards me, and I almost held up my hands in defense as he grabbed my face and touched my lip.

He turned to look at Felix. "What happened?"

"Echo and Quinton were at it, Finley intervened,"

"So why didn't you stop them?" Peter Pan glared at Echo in such a way that I felt the hair's in the back of my neck rising. I'd never seen him look this angry or deadly before.

"Because it happened so fast, and you know Finley, she can never back off from a fight," Felix answered, and gave his creepy smile at me. I felt like squirming under his gaze.

"I'm so sorry Peter..." Echo started before Peter Pan struck him. Echo literally flew into the air and struck a tree.

I jumped back, startled. I felt Quinton grip my arm, trying to act protectively around me again. But this time, it wasn't me that needed the protection.

Peter Pan walked closer to Echo. Who was trembling.

"Stop!" I called out. Quinton looked at me as if I was crazy.

Peter Pan halted in his tracks.

"It's my fault, I got in the middle, I broke the rules, I should be punished," I said.

I heard some of the Lost Boys stifle a bit of laughter. And heard Tootles whisper to Nibs, "Like that's going to happen."

Echo stared at me, with his eyes wide.

I ran past Peter Pan and helped Echo to his feet. Peter Pan stared at me with a blank expression. "Besides, I got in a fight with Felix last time, and nothing happened then..."

"Oh, something did," Felix said and winked at me. "Pan's refused us to lay a finger on his Lost Girl after that...after all, you are a lady."

I almost wanted to scoff at that and looked at Peter. "I interfered...besides if there is anyone who should be's you, you guaranteed that Quinton will not be was your responsibility, and look at what had happened? You broke your deal, Peter Pan."

Peter Pan looked at Echo, his face fierce. "You get one last chance."

Echo nodded, suddenly grateful and scampered off like a frightened deer. I had never realized how truly powerful Pan was, but now he had shown it, and it scared me. But a small part of me...just a small part really appreciated how fiercely he was willing to protect me...despite just an hour earlier we had our own fight.

Peter Pan vanished and Quinton walked up to me.

"Look, I'm sorry..."

I waved at him, dismissing his apology. "You and I have both done and said some stupid things at coming here...let's call it even...shall we?"

Quinton nodded. "So...Pan's girl, huh?"

"Yeah, my new found title," I mumbled and walked past him.

"You're hurt..."

"And so are you," I said crossing my arms. "Please, if it is at all possible, avoid messing with the Lost Boys? We need to focus on getting the World-Warpers out of here, and getting rid of Gus."

"I thought we needed him..."

I remained quiet. I knew Pan could just as easily be listening. I walked closer and whispered. "What if there was another way?"

I motioned Quinton not to speak. "Find Hook, at the Jolly Roger, he'll explain everything...I'll stay here...just know...we have maybe a day or two left."

"What happens if we don't get away by then?"

I looked down on the ground. "Then potentially, I am stuck here, forever."

Quinton nodded. "I won't fail you."

He started to walk away, and I saw Pan, watching us from a distance. His green eyes intently staring at me. My lower lips throbbed as I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach, and I looked down. I couldn't actually be falling for the villain now could I? All I knew that I needed to leave, and fast. Otherwise, he might actually convince me to stay...

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