Chapter 24: Finley Vs Pan

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I found myself unable to move for a few minutes, trying to think, but my brain just kept failing me. He promised that he could help me and that I'd be free. But how can I be free with the very man/boy who abandoned his own son? Or had Gus simply made it up to turn me against Pan? Because truth be told, that was Pan's strategy as well. However, Pan had used the truth himself, why couldn't Gus just simply do the same?

I picked up the arrow Gus fired at me and nimbly fiddled with it. I would have been dead, right here, right now, if I had not caught it with my own hand...which was impossible, but yet I did it. My eyes glowed, and that meant that somehow, Pan must have given me magic. But why?

I looked up and saw Skullrock. Maybe if I paid it a visit, I would find some answers. I climbed down the rocky beach, careful not to trip, glancing behind me for any sign of Gus. However, he seemed pretty fear-stricken, and cowardly ran after trying to kill me. I would have to deal with him later. After all, he did not actually need to be alive in order for my plan to work. And any whims of mercy I conjured up for him vanished the moment he pulled the trigger for a second time. He has manipulated me for ten years, and won't for a second more.

I found a boat at the rim of the shore, quietly hidden and out of sight for most spectators. I gently climbed in it, and held on tight as it rocked a little. Boats and oars weren't really my strength, but it was rather that than attempting to swim across uncharted waters. And in every single story and movie I have seen about Neverland, the mermaids were never very nice...they'd sweetly drown me if they could. I doubted it would be any different in the real Neverland.

I untied the rope and started paddling across the water. I bit my lip as the boat rocked from side to side, inching it's way closer to my destination. I splashed myself accidently, and had to wipe my face in order to see again. The salt in the water stung my eyes.

It took me a decent hour to arrive at Skullrock, and I saw a good place to tie the boat. I climbed off onto it's sandy surface and walked into the tunnel leading to the heart of the place. I gasped as I entered a large room. The skull's eyes acting as windows. I noted a big, massive hourglass, with sand pouring down at the top. It glowed a yellowish hue, and I knew this must have been the impending doom Peter Pan was referring to. The hour glass sat on a pedestal of golden shaped rocks of skulls...hopefully fake, but in this world, one could never know. It poured slowly, and seeing that it was maybe a quarter-way empty, it must be taking ages for the countdown to actually stop.

"Well aren't you just the little spy?"

I wasn't surprised at the sound of his voice. After all, this was his secret lair, and I just clenched my hands and turned around to see the mischievous green-eyed boy stare at me, his arms crossed.

"So it seems," I said and smiled. "Looks like you're running out of time...I'm surprised you haven't actually used the medallion yet."

Peter Pan chuckled, and I clenched my jaw. "Well, that's what you're here for..."


"Of course," Peter Pan said and walked closer to the hourglass. "You see, you'll be saving someone's life." Peter Pan took out the medallion and it hit me.

He had no clue how to use it. This time it was my turn to laugh.

"The greatest immortal does not know how to use a small ice medallion? Figures," I said. "And that's why you've been treating me so nicely? To woo me into saving your life?"

"There are many other ways I could have resorted to persuading you into doing this one small favour for me," Peter Pan said, his voice suddenly changing. "But I chose this one...because you do care, Finley."

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