Chapter 3: Let's Play a Game

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I stood for a moment shocked, before stooping down to pick up the sword. Then I was just plain angry.

"So you're Peter Pan? Huh? You don't look like much to me!" I yelled out. "Just go ahead, tell me your name and disappear for dramatic effect! Like I care! Like I'm scared!" 

I kicked the sand and watched it scatter into the sea. At least I learned that the pixie dust grew in trees. Problem was...I turned and looked at the forest....trees were the main thing in Neverland.

I decided to return the group, contemplating what Peter Pan had said. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Quinton said as he sat down. I nodded and looked at the rest of the group, who was already lying down and sleeping.

"First watch?"

"You bet," he winked. "Go get some rest."

I stooped and sat down next to him near the fire. He frowned. 

"I saw Peter Pan," I whispered to him.

"YOU what?" Quinton lowered his voice and glanced at the rest. They did not stir.  He leaned in closer to me his eyes wide. "You sure?"

"No, I just saw a rock and thought, hey, that must be Peter Pan, of course, I'm sure!" I said. "He kind off introduced himself, then disappeared."

"What, no you're all going to die threats? No, attempts to kill you or hurt you or...send his shadow after you?" Quinton asked.

I shrugged. "I guess it's my lucky day."

"Or he's playing a game, it's what children do after all," Quinton said. He looked at me and let out a deep breath of air through his nose. "This is not going to be easy."

"I think I can handle him," I said before Quinton chuckled.


"That's what every single world warper said before they came here...and most of them left in a casket," Quinton said.

"Yeah...fair point, he did say the pixie dust grew on trees..."

Quinton's eyebrows knitted. "Now that's kinda useful...except we're in a jungle...full of trees."

"I know," I replied, exasperated. 

"So he is playing a game,"

"Well, you know what, if he is, I'll play along, right until the point where I've got the pixie dust and punch that smug face of his...hard."

"You make it sound so easy," 

"Well, I did not qualify for the hardest quests for no reason...I've faced giants, sorcerers, barbarians, Vikings, and so much more..."

"Have you ever gone on something like a vacation?" Quinton asked.

I hesitated before I answered. I liked Quinton. A lot. But my past was to remain hidden as far as I could keep it. "I don't believe in vacations."

"Now that's absolute baloney," Quinton said. "But I understand if you don't want to say...yet." 

I smiled. Was it true that I didn't believe in vacations? Maybe. I just wasn't given a choice from headquarters. It was always mission after mission. It was always the next quest for me. That was how my life was like for the past ten years.

And maybe, because as a prisoner, I also had a killer chip inserted into me before I became a world-warper...and Gus had the switch. Holidays weren't exactly on his agenda.

Deciding to change the subject I smiled at Quinton. "So....photographic memory, huh?"

"Yeah," Quinton shrugged. "It's come in handy."

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