Chapter 18: A Twist in the Tides

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When I woke up, I was most certainly not surprised to see Nibs staring at me again. This time, I was in a tent, which Tootles kindly gave up for me when Peter and I returned. Peter Pan did not say a word to me since then, and I found myself also quite speechless. 

"Good morning, sunshine,"

I groaned as I arose, my neck stiff. 

"I see your injuries are gone," Nibs said then grinned. "Fun night last night?"

"And what makes you think it was fun?" I asked as I rubbed my neck and stretched.

"You were beaming in your sleep,"

I stared at Nibs. "Is it a habit of yours to watch people sleep?"

"No, just you, you're the first girl I've seen in ages," Nibs said.

"Indeed," I muttered. "What're all the lost boys doing today?"

Nibs shrugged, "Whatever they want I guess. Peter Pan occasionally intervenes for his purposes, but other than that we are free."

"Free," I said and sighed. The memories were still very fresh from last night, and I realized it would probably be my go-to whenever things got bad. "What's Peter Pan up to?"

Nibs shrugged again. "He's a mystery that one. Everyone knows him, but no one really knows get me?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Yeah, I get you."  I arose and looked surprised at my bags of supplies and all my equipment in the corner.

"Who returned these?" I asked Nibs.

"Felix, about two hours ago," 

"How late is it?"


"Of course," I walked out of the tent and was greeted by the jungle of Neverland. It had grown darker again, and depressing. Nibs joined me outside. It was so quiet.

"I need to...take care of nature calls," I told Nibs and started walking to the river. He followed me, and I stopped. 

"Do I need to spell it out to you?" I asked him, frustrated.

"Oh, right, nature calls," Nibs blushed and walked in the opposite direction. I carried on walking through towards the river, listening for any sound, but apart from the occasional croak, nothing else could be heard.

Which, meant I really wasn't expecting a silver gleaming hook to grab me by the belt and pull me into a ridge. I gasped and fell straight on top of Captain Hook.

"Easy there, love, didn't mean for you to fall into me, but I have been known to trip girls up," Hook said and I pushed him away.

We were only a few meters away from camp, and I knew that Captain Hook coming here was insanely dangerous. "What are you doing?"

"Peter Pan and His Lost Boys, well, most of them are out scouting the World-Warpers," Captain Hook said. He took out his flask and took a swig of it. 

I crossed my arms. "Look, about our deal...I can still get you and the world-warpers out... but maybe, maybe I'll be staying."

Captain Hook frowned at this. "And what madness would befall on you to choose to stay?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it, and Captain Hook immediately seemed to realize what was going on.

"Oh, he's gotten to you, hasn't he? What was it? One thrilling moment and now you're willing to risk the rest of eternity with a boy so evil that even the shadows fear him?" 

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