Chapter 8: Rock and A Hard Place

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Now, whether it's shock or fright or fear, traditionally when your doom is on your doorstep, you say something really amazing, or heroic or plain or simple cowardice. 

"Really? Well, that's really gonna be difficult to stay in there without a floor," I motioned to the cage. I clenched my fists and smiled a little at the laughs around me. Even Peter Pan seemed somewhat amused. He looked up at the cage then back at me. He took a step forward and I took a step back.  For once I was actually afraid. Traditionally, most villain leaders were the best, and how Felix thrashed Quinton showed to me that Peter Pan would be even better. I've had ten years of fighting experience, he's probably got more than a hundred.

He frowned and gazed at me and Quinton, "You know, it's not actually fair. I like to play fair." He started to circle around me, but he did not seem like he was ready to fight yet. "You see, you risk losing everything, either way and what have I got to lose? I'm immortal." He smiled when he said that. "You fight and lose, you are caged for eternity, a fate, worse than death, one could possibly say. Even if you win, you and Quinton are free to leave now, but what about later?" 

"What are you trying to say?" I said while crossing my arms. 

"I'm going to give you another choice, another way out, so to speak," Peter Pan patted the boy Tootles on the shoulder and then looked back at me.

"Go on," I said, cautious. 

"You can fight me, and face potential doom, or you can simply walk, Penelope, Nova and Zeke can get your pixie dust and leave, making you heroes," Peter Pan said and my heart raced faster. 

"And what about Quinton?"

"Oh, he's still got a deal he needs to finish," Peter Pan turned and I looked at Quinton. He was sitting up now. 

"It's a good deal, Finley," he moaned as he clutched his stomach. He could not carry on fighting, he would not survive. "You should take it."

"You see? Even he agrees it's a good deal," Peter Pan took another step closer to me, his face hard. "Besides, you've only known him for a day, what's there to lose?"

I stood, shell-shocked. It was a good deal. It was a really good deal, and I felt guilty that I was actually considering it. I would not win if I fought against Peter Pan. I knew that. But Quinton, he endangered his life to come back for me. No one had ever done that for me before.

"Remember when we first met?" I spoke to Quinton. 

Quinton nodded.

"And remember what I said I would always do?" I asked him. A flicker of remembrance and horror showed in his face. 

"No, Finley..."

But I made up my mind, the combat knife I had tucked in my sleeve slipped into my hand, and I threw it directly towards Peter Pan's heart.

It should have struck him.

I gasped as he caught it with his hands, not even cutting him. He staggered back. "I'm disappointed," he snapped. I had officially angered the king of the island.  He took a step towards me and vanished.

I lashed out behind me with my arm, just knowing that it was the ideal place to reappear for a fight. He was there and he caught my arm. "Very good." He said before he tripped me and I fell.

I rolled away and jumped up. He did not even move. After all, he could just teleport anywhere. 

"You speak of fair? No magic tricks!" I snapped at him.

He only smiled. "My rules."

I knew he was about to do something, but that something was interrupted as a great hissing emitted and three canisters landed in the middle of the group. I jumped back as it exploded and green gas came through. All the boys scattered and I found myself searching for Quinton. He was half standing, half sitting, across the gas canisters. I held my breath and closed my eyes as I jumped over. "Put your arms over my shoulders," I ordered. He obeyed and I could feel his heavyweight leaning on me as we tried to escape the sudden war zone. 

"We still have that fight to finish!" I heard Peter Pan's voice echoing. I ignored it, clenched my teeth and kept on running.

Zeke and Penelope appeared from the bushes. "This way!" They called out and I followed them. Zeke came to the other side of Quinton and put his arm over his shoulder and neck. 

"Come on," Zeke grunted as we ran as fast as we could to get away. But a deep part of me knew, that on this island, we could never escape him. He was beyond evil, but he was also powerful.

He was Peter Pan.

Zeke led us to the beach, in a rocky area. Although we were somewhat exposed, so would they be. And with the guns that Zeke brought, we may actually stand a chance. A few hours passed, and no one came after us. I sat on a rock further away from the group, who had gathered to build a fire. I stared at the ocean, with my knees being held together by my arms.

"May I join you?" I looked up at Quinton.

"You look a lot better," I said and nodded.

Quinton sat next to me, almost right next to me. And I could not help but grin. 

"You're an idiot,"

"Me?" I gaped. "I had a perfect escape plan, and no thanks to you I couldn't exploit it...I had to get down and rescue you."

Quinton smiled and shook his head. "The irony..."

"You're telling me," I look back at the ocean. It scared me. How much I actually cared about Quinton. "You were right."

"About what?"

"Peter Pan," I said. "I thought I could handle him, but he's..."

"Ruthless," Quinton finished. "And master manipulator."

"But have you realized that every word that has come out of his mouth has been true?" I said and looked at Quinton in concern. "It's as if our secrets are our biggest enemy."

Quinton nodded and leaned in closer. I sucked in a deep breath of nervousness. I had seen him now in a new light. He was a hero, and he was very handsome. He softly kissed me on the cheek and my heart fluttered.  He moved away and I touched my cheek, it was still tingling.

"What was that for?"

"For having my back, despite knowing the truth," Quinton said. I nodded.

"I should save your life more," I said with a smile.

"Nah, I don't think that will be necessary," Quinton winked at me, and I blushed.  He stood up and left to join the group. I felt guilty. Peter Pan was right though. There was still a fight to finish, and I had to finish it. But this time, I stood up, I would be ready.

But thinking of his devilish smiles, his games and his cold breath on my neck made me hesitate. There was so much more to Peter Pan. Surely he had his secrets, and considering he loved to exploit mine, why can't I exploit his?

For that, I would have to find someone. Someone who has been rivaling against Peter Pan for years. Surely if he was in the books he would be here?

I would have to find Captain Hook.

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