Chapter 17: Two hearts collide

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I walked softly after Peter Pan, holding the club to my side. Peter Pan froze, after a moment, then dropped my sword to the ground and turned to me. 

"You've earned it," he said and grinned. "You did your job well."

I dropped the club and grabbed the knife. With sudden force, I pushed him against the tree, holding the sword against his neck. He only laughed.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you?" I snapped.

"Oh, that would be easier, wouldn't it?" Peter Pan said. He did not move but merely looked down at me. He was slightly taller after all, but now I was the one with the knife. "Gus might just then spare your life, you can earn your freedom with the remote being in Quinton's hands and all your troubles will just go away."

"You're just giving me more reasons!" I hissed and clenched his shoulder tighter.

"Then why haven't you done it? Tell me, Finley, what's keeping you?" Peter Pan asked, raising his eyebrows. 

I hesitated. The truth crept out from the dark corners from my mind. 

I actually cared for this boy. 

I took a step back and gave him the hilt of the sword.

"Keep it,"

"I just tried to kill you, twice, and don't say it's part of the game, because we both know that it's a more than that," I said. "Why?"

Peter Pan took a step away from me and knocked on a tree. "Because you're special..."

"Yeah, you said that," I said. "And that I believe." I hunched my shoulders at that. "But on the moment, I am seriously doubting everything..."

"That's just part of being a lost girl," Peter Pan said with a shrug. He placed his knee on a rock and rested his elbow on it. "Do you want me to show you?"

"Show me what?" I asked, frustrated. I holstered my sword onto my belt, and crossed my arms, taking a step back.

"What it means to be a Lost Girl...the child, inside of you?" Peter Pan asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think you can show me anything that'll make me feel like the little girl that I was."

"Is that a challenge?" Peter Pan asked and raised his brow. He jumped off the rock with his leg and walked towards me. He held out his hand.  "Take the risk." He whispered to me.

I held my breath and took his hand. It was rough and calloused, and nevermind full of dirt, but then I didn't really much care. He smiled and took a small vial from his pocket. I gasped and realized that it was pixie dust. 

"Do you believe?" he asked, and I nodded. I bit my lips in slight anticipation.

He threw some dust onto his hand and blew it into my face. It tickled and started to glow. He threw some dust over himself, and I almost gave a squeal as I saw my feet being lifted from the ground. I felt lighter than a feather, and the air was incredibly sweet. Peter Pan grasped my hand harder and seemed to tug me upwards into the blue moonlit sky. We went higher than the treeline and soon broke out into a beautiful starry night. The moon looked ginormously large, and I could finally see the entirety of Neverland. From up here, it was very small. 

I spotted the tiny lights of the World-Warpers camp, who was on the opposite side of the island, and I could see the Jolly Roger, and on a cliff further, were where the natives had taken the camp. 

I looked up at Peter Pan and spat out a hair that fell into my face. He was staring at me and smiled. He pulled me to the west, away from the Lost Boys Camp, away from the World Warpers, away from everywhere I've been.

I smiled as the wind pushed back on my hair and my face. I spread my arms and legs and looked at Peter Pan who was flying with absolute ease. He started to pull me down in a darker, dense part of the jungle, and I was sad that our trip was so short.  We landed quite softly, and I almost squealed as he pulled me down on the ground.

He put his finger on his lips to motion for me to stay quiet and crawled towards a large tree. My eyes widened as I saw the tree was actually glowing with a bright yellow light. He looked through the one hole in the tree and motioned for me to look in the other.

I stared down and felt myself churning in excitement. There were tiny people, with wings! Fairies? Possibly...

"Pixies," Peter Pan whispered to me. "I offer them protection and therefore they make them in the trees for us." 

I barely heard. I was simply entranced. There were a jingle and twinkles, and music, sweet beautiful music. And the pixies were dancing. Two by two, inside the tree. And for that sweet moment, I forgot everything.

I was that little girl again. 


I looked up to see Peter Pan standing ahead. He bowed and gave me his hand.

I stood up, "Are you for real?" I asked him. He only put his finger to his lips again. He was not going to speak. 

I took his hand and placed the other on his shoulder. He gently placed his other hand on my shoulder blade. He moved forward, and I smiled as we got lifted in the sky. We were dancing in the moonlight. Along with the music of the Pixies. I stared, amazed at some of the pixies who flew out and around us, leaving dust everywhere in their wake. Three steps forward, one step back. Who knew dancing in the sky would be so incredible?

I looked up at Peter Pan. I shook my head but was still beaming. "Ok, you win...this time."

He leaned towards my ear, "Peter Pan never fails." 

And then, before I could even possibly think of a smart retort or comeback. I felt it...

A kiss

Peter Pan's lips softly caressed mine. I felt a spark of magic flow through me, healing the cracked lip and my cheeks. 


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