Chapter 26: A Night to Remember...forever

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I joined Nibs at the fire as it grew darker. Nibs cringed as he saw my face. "It's getting worse..." he spoke as he gently rubbed my cheek. I nodded.

"I know,"

"You should let Pan take care of that,"

I glanced up. Peter Pan was sitting across the fire, yet again, staring at me.

I shook my head. "I don't want him too."

"What? You like the pain?" Nibs asked and gasped. "Are you a masochist?"

"What? No!?" I stared at him horrified. "How do you even know a word like that?"

"Hey, I may be a kid, but I'm not a stupid kid," Nibs said shrugging. "I heard some of the World-warpers speaking about it."

Nibs stared at me and smiled. As if he was proud to be spying on them. It was all a game. Little did he know how dangerous one it was. Or he did, and he just didn't care. "It's so quiet tonight," I commented.

"No party yet, Pan will start playing his pipes soon," Tootles said and sat on the other side. He stared at my face. "Wow, Echo packed a punch on you..."

"Yeah, but he looks worse," I said, especially considering that Pan had literally struck him into a tree. Pan suddenly sat up, as if alert. I was wondering whether he was listening to something...or concentrating on some form of magic. Either way, as Quinton is trying to find out the plans Hook and I had devised from the very beginning, I needed to form some kind of distraction.

What naturally better way than to start the party myself.

I picked up the two sticks that lay near my feet and handed it to Nibs. "Can you do a nice beat?"

"Eh...yeah, but without music?"

"Trust me...give me some rhythm," I said. "Time for one of my secret talents to come out..considering I'm staying here forever, you might as well get to know me..." I looked directly at Pan and took a deep breath. My heart was racing. I never intentionally called out his name before to grab his attention. "Peter!"

Peter Pan's focus snapped and he looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Come bring your magic pipes here...I want to sing,"

Pan grinned, but his eyebrows were still lowered into a frown. He stood up from his seat and came closer. He took out his pipes. "What song shall it be?"

"Well, do you know Scarborough Fair?" I asked him.

"I've heard it..."

"Can you play it?"

Peter Pan did not respond. Instead, he lowered his lips and started blowing the tune with his pipes. It was the most eerie and magical I had ever heard. I waited a moment, and opened my mouth, singing the lyrics I had known from heart. I saw Peter's eyebrows raise, and I had to focus on keeping my voice steady. The boys crowded quickly, listening in.

Never had I experienced such a beautiful or serenic moment, as my lungs filled with fresh air....

"Have her make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seam nor fine needle work
And then she'll be a true love of mine" -Simon & Garfunkel

Love imposes impossible tasks
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Though not more than any heart asks
And I must know she's a true love of mine -Simon & Garfunkel

When I finished, all the boys cheered, and Peter Pan suddenly played a more cheery tune.

Nibs jumped up. "Dance with me, fair lady?" He gave me a small bow and I laughed.

I stood up and curtsied. "Of course, my dear Sir, it would be my pleasure." I grabbed his hand and we started circling around the fire with the rest of them. This time, however, I wasn't in a daze or enchanted by the music of the pipes. I was enjoying it, because I wanted to dance. He let me go and I twirled and clapped. My cape flying with my rhythm. I danced, step by step, left right, in rhythm with the pipes...often laughing. Sometimes grabbing hands with others as we circled the fire. We hopped up and down, turned, laughing. Some started picked up sticks and beating them. Others whooped. They were more excited than ever before.

We went faster and fast, and Felix grabbed my hand. He twirled and pushed me, and I nearly lost my balance. But another calloused hand grabbed me and twirled me again. He pulled me closer and I gasped as I recognized the green fabric. I looked straight up at Peter Pan's eyes. His hand stayed on mine and he pulled me out of the group and deeper into the forest.

After a minute of following him, I stopped, breathless. Dancing would do that to a person, and I was going all out. "So, what? You want to show me the pixies again? Convince me that I can be a ...."

I wasn't even finished when I felt his soft lips against mine. He pushed me against a tree, kissing me hard, his hands gently cupping my face. Sparks of magic flowed through me again, and the pain in on my lips and cheek ceased.

My heart raced, and I wanted to melt. I could hardly believe what was happening, I was so entranced.

Wake up, Finley! He's a villain! My thoughts suddenly echoed, and I pushed him back, gasping.

He took a step back, smiling.

"You had no right to do that!"

"I told you I wasn't the most well-behaved boy on the island," Peter Pan said with a grin. "And yet, it took you a while to push me back...something tells me you almost enjoyed it."

"Are you going to kiss me every time I get a split lip?" I asked crossing my arms. "Is that your way of healing me?" I responded sarcastically.

"No, but it's certainly one of the fun ways," Peter Pan said as he took a step forward. I wanted to retreat, but my back only hit the tree. I grappled past it and trudged back, his devious dark eyes still on me.

I touched my healed lip and looked at this teenager in front of me. My emotions were bursting inside of me. I was fighting every inch of myself...not to kiss him back...

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