Chapter 12: You are Mine

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I couldn't speak, at least not for a decent minute, before Tootles ran to me and gave me a hug. I was shell-shocked, to say the least. Nothing about this place was innocent, but neither was it all evil.

I looked up at Peter Pan, who stared at him, then at me in total silence. I guess I was the one that had to break it.

"I guess a thank you is in order," I said and swallowed.

"You saved my life," Tootles said. "Thank you!"

"I mean, me," I said. I looked up at Pan. "Thank you."

"He broke the rules," Peter Pan said.

"What rules?" I asked as I knitted my brows again. Tootles released his hug and smiled at me.

"Don't mess with my own," Peter Pan said and my heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean?"

Peter Pan chuckled. "You don't mind if I call you a lost girl now, do you?"


"You saved his life,"  Peter Pan motioned at Tootles and circled around me. "You're an orphan, with nowhere to go."

I felt the pain of my past being brought up again. I looked down on the ground. "I don't understand, I tried to kill you."

"And that was fun, wasn't it?"

"I threw a knife to your heart!" I snapped. "And the fight and the cages."

"All part of the game," Peter Pan said. 

"It's still all a game to you, isn't it?" I crossed my arms. "Unbelievable, there is a war going on between you and the world-warpers, and it's still just a game?"

"Where would the fun be if it wasn't?" Peter Pan said as he motioned with his hands. 

"But why save me? Why toy with me? Why am I so special to you?" I asked.

"Because you haven't stopped believing," Peter Pan said. Then pointed to the camp. "They have, and now, because of that, we've gotten their best "asset"." Peter Pan took a step closer to me, but this time I did not move.

"You saw what they were going to do to Tootles," I said. "But you didn't do anything. You entrusted his life to me....why?"

"Because I knew your heart," Peter Pan spoke and smiled. "You couldn't do it, just like you couldn't let Quinton die...even though the risks were so great. Now you, are mine."

"I am not owned by anyone, I am free, always have been, you said it yourself," I said.

"Just because you belong somewhere, doesn't mean you can't be in Neverland, you can be anything you want to be," Peter Pan said.  "You can go if you want, risk-taking on the world warpers on your own, or to the natives, or perhaps, to a pirate."

I rolled my eyes. He obviously would have known, but what he said next threw me.

"He works for me, you know, what he said and told you, was precisely what I wanted you to hear," Peter Pan said.

"Well,  I wanted to say it was a little too easy," I looked at the ocean, and let the wind play with my hair. Peter Pan was right. I had nowhere to go. My plans for freedom had been smashed. But then, there was always hope. "If I help you, we've got to do things my way. Quinton is not to be harmed, and if we can, keep as many of them alive as possible."

"Only if you take your claim as my lost girl," Peter Pan said.

"Fine," I agreed. "I'll become the Lost Girl."

"Not just any lost girl," Peter Pan said. He moved even closer, but this time I stood my ground. He whispered. "Mine."

"Fine, I'm your lost girl," I said flippantly. But judging by that smile Peter Pan gave, I just knew I made the worst or best decision of my life. Problem is, right now, I can't tell. 

Hey readers! I know this is such a drastic turn for the story! I do try to make it as realistic as possible, but in Neverland, anything can happen. I would really love to hear from you, and please vote if you've enjoyed the story so far! Will carry on writing as long as you keep on believing! 

 I would really love to hear from you, and please vote if you've enjoyed the story so far! Will carry on writing as long as you keep on believing! 

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