One (edited)

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It was a normal day at the orphanage and I was helping one of my friends cut their hair, he was a bit emo and I had to talk him into letting me touch it just so I could get rid of his split ends.

Anyways the middle aged woman who took care of all of us, Ms. Johnson, came running up the stairs like a maniac. My friend and I turned around to see why there was so much commotion coming from the dark and thin woman.

"(Y/n)! Keith! Guess what just came in the mail today!" She handed us each and envelope from The Galaxy Garrison. I didn't waste a second to grab mine and rip it open. I knew Keith was gonna get in since Shiro is taking care of him now, that's because Keith's practically a prodigy. But like a lot of the other kids we go to school with, I had to take a test to try and get in.

"I'll leave you two alone for now." The middle aged woman left to go check on the other kids.

"I got in." Keith said

"Well that's no surprise, you're a natural pilot! Plus you have Takashi Shirogane looking out for you now." I smirked

"Shut up and read yours (Y/n)." He said as I slowly pulled out the paper from the envelope and started reading it.

"I didn't get in." I frowned and looked down at the floor. Keith looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n) I'm so-"

"Just kidding!" I showed him the paper and laughed.

"That wasn't funny! I felt really bad! I didn't wanna leave without you!" I chuckled at Keith and gave him a hug.

"Well you don't have to! We'll be the unstoppable duo! Think about it! Keith and (Y/n), best friends traveling galaxies and touching the stars!"

"Oh please! I'm not going all the way into space! You can do that yourself!" Keith groaned

"Nope you're stuck with me! It'll be great!" I said with my classic shit eating smirk.

"You say that like we'll heroes or something stupid like that."

"If either of us are gonna be heroes it'll be you! You're like, the coolest friend I've ever had!" I shouted

"I'm the only friend you've ever had (Y/n)." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! Now go sit down! I need to finish trimming your stupid mullet!" Keith groaned and sat down.

"I still don't understand why you have to cut parts off, it's just hair!"

"Appearance is an important thing that you want to put effort into. Nobody wants to hang around the kid who smells like body odor and had rotten teeth." I said as I cut a piece of hair off.

"What does body odor have to do with split ends?"

"Split ends can ruin your hair if you don't take care of it before it becomes an issue, I'm doing you a favor Kogane." I smirked, knowing that he hated it whenever I said his last name.

"Alright whatever you say, little boy." Keith laughed at me. I had short hair that was in a pixie and puberty just hasn't hit my twelve year old body yet, to be more specific, my chest. Keith teased me about my boyish figure all the time since all the other girls our age started to get pretty while I still looked like a troll.

"Keep that up, and you'll be missing a chunk of hair." I glared at Keith and he gulped, he was quiet the entire time I trimmed his hair.

Time skip

Keith and I were outside the orphanage, with the kind middle aged woman in front of us, going on and on about how much she loved us.

"Alright now you all have everything packed right? You have enough shirts, socks, pants, underwear?"

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now