Four (edited)

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1 year later

"So how was the simulator guys?" I asked as my friends walked into my dorm room.

"Ughhhhh" the three young pilots groaned in unison.

"Did Lance 'thread the needle' again?" I questioned 

"Yup" Hunk sighed and sat on the small couch in my room.

"Yea I messed the whole thing up." Lance frowned and sat next to me on my bed as Pidge dropped his body on the floor and groaned.

"Don't worry Lance, you tried your best and that's all that matters. You'll get em next time okay?" I smiled at the Cuban teen and he looked down at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I know Iverson can be tough on you all, but he's just trying to motivate you, even though it's not really a good way of motivating people. He just wants you all to be successful. You guys are still good at what you do even if you mess up from time to time." I stated. Hunk and Pidge smiled at me before walking off to their own dorms, waving goodbye before they left the room.

Lance stayed next to me, slowly putting his head on my lap.
"Am I really only here because Keith dropped out?" My eyes widened. I couldn't believe that Iverson would say that to Lance. After the night Keith and I got into a fight and I ran off in tears, I bumped into Lance and he was kind enough to comfort me. I looked down at Lance and put a soft smile on my melancholic face.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You're an amazing pilot Lance. You did something that Keith couldn't, you stayed and worked hard. You deserve to be in that class, okay?"

"I guess you're right (y/n), but I don't feel like I belong here. Maybe the garrison isn't meant for me. Every other pilot is so much better than I am, and all I ever do is make mistakes. If I can't pilot in a simulator then how the heck am I supposed to pilot a real ship?"

"Maybe you could start with believing in yourself." I chuckled as Lance rolled his eyes at my comment.

"I'm serious Lance! Come on, I know what would make you feel better!" I looked at Lance with my classic shit eating grin. Long story short, we did face-masks and talked about our feelings.

After that, Lance went back to his dorm and I took a shower and ate some food. Once I finished I put on a white tank top and a black pair of pants. As I was about to hit the hay and go to sleep I heard a knock on my door. I groaned and opened it to see Lance with a big smirk on his face and Hunk looking like he just wanted to go find some snacks in the kitchen.

"Yes Lance?" I groaned, irritated at the fact that he was the reason I wasn't in bed at the moment.

"Oh don't give me that (y/n) we're gonna go out and have a fun team bonding exercise." whispered Lance. 

"I'm not even in the same class as you dumbass." I growled

"Well you can still come to make sure we don't die or anything." I couldn't say no to the face he was making and I knew that I couldn't leave Hunk alone with lance when he's in this state.

"Fine let me go get my shoes." I sighed, put on my shoes and walked out the door.

"So what's this plan of yours?" I asked

"We're just gonna go hit the town, meet a couple girls, party and come back before dawn."

"Lance I don't wanna meet anyone, I'd rather go get a late night snack in the kitchen." I sighed

"See! It's two against one we're going to the dang kitchen!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Nope not happening I'm the leader." Lance shook his head and kept walking. Hunk and I groaned and followed behind him slowly.

"Plus, you need to meet someone (Y/n). You can't keep sulking over a hotheaded emo." Lance said 

"I'm not sulking!" I exclaimed

"You've been sulking for like a million years! You're starting to become emo now and I'm not gonna let you start wearing flannels and skinny jeans from 2001!"

"Okay first of all, I'm not emo. Second of all, I'm over Keith it's been a year."

"Yea whatever you're meeting someone tonight."

"Ughhh, are we gonna go get Pidge now?"
I questioned as I looked behind Lance. I saw a guards shadow and started to panic. Quickly, I shoved Lance and Hunk into a corner, they couldn't be seen as long as the guard didn't come near them.
I guess I won't be going out with them tonight.

I ran up towards the guard making up some sort of excuse to distract him and bought enough time for Hunk and Lance to get outside while I was escorted back to my dorm.

"Alright no need to freak out, I'll text Lance and tell him I'll be out in a few minutes. I just need to be really sneaky and find a way to get out without getting caught." I mumbled and looked up at the ceiling, seeing a vent.


After crawling for a long ass time I made it up to the roof without getting caught.

"Hey guys!"

"(Y/n) you're okay!" Lance shouted and ran over to high five me.

"Yea I'm fine, so when are we leaving to party?" I asked the Cuban teen

"Actually we found something much more interesting." Pidge butted in as Lance and I walked over to the larger teen and the small one.

"Yea we learned that Pidge is crazy and believes in aliens." Lance looked down at Pidge as he looked up and glared at Lance.

"Ignore him but long story short I've been picking up a signal and it keeps saying Voltron. Tonight it's going off crazier than I've ever heard it." Pidge said seriously as he showed me his computer. I sat down to take a closer look when the alarms suddenly went off.

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