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"Attention students this is not a drill! We are on lock down! Security situation Zulu Niner! Repeat: all students are to remain in barracks until further notice!"

"What's going on?" Hunk asked nervously, I was wondering the same thing, then I saw something flying in our atmosphere.

"Is that a meteor?" I shouted, seriously what the heck is going on right now?

"A very, very big meteor?" Hunk questioned

"It's a ship!"

"Holy crow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours."

"No, it's one of theirs." Pidge said is disbelief as we all watched it get closer and closer to the ground.

"So, wait. There really are aliens out there?" Hunk cried, heh, I can't believe he's in a space program and doesn't believe in aliens.

"We've gotta see that ship!" Pidge shouted and ran off to the door with Lance slowly behind.

"Hunk, (y/n) come on!" Lance shouted as he ran.

"Oh, this is the worst team building exercise ever." The large teen sighed

"Ugh, tell me about it."


The four of us sat on a small cliff and as Pidge was setting up his things, Lance was looking around with his binoculars.

"Whoa what the heck is that thing? And who the heck is she?"

"Lance!" I shouted, now really isn't the time for his dumbass flirty tendencies.

"Ow! Right, alien ship. Man, well never get past all of those guards to get a good look." I sighed in relief, we can finally go back to the Garrison.

"Aw man. Yeah, yeah, I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?" Hunk began to walk off before the short boy was able to hack a camera.

"Wait. They set up a camera in there and I was able to grab it's feed. Look!" Pidge exclaimed.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Calm down Shiro. We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests."

"You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds! Aliens are coming!"

"That's Shiro! Pilot of the Kerberos Mission." I gasped

"That guys my hero!" The Cuban teen next to me stated loudly. Hunk raised a brow as he looked at the computer closely "Guess he's not dead in space after all."

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Pidge questioned

"They'll destroy us! We have to find voltron!"

"Voltron!" The short boy exclaimed

"Who's 'they'?" I questioned

"No don't put me under! No! There's no time!"

"They didn't ask about the rest of the crew." Why is Pidge so worried about the crew of the Kerberos mission? He goes nuts every time it's brought up and he's been talking about it tonight nonstop.

"What are they doing? The guy's a legend! They're not even gonna listen to him?"

"We have to get him out." Pidge demanded as he looked at the rest of us.

"I hate to be the voice of reason, always, but weren't we just watching on TV because there was no way to get past the guards?"

"Hunks right, there aren't any good ways to get in without a high chance of getting caught." I said

"That was before we were properly motivated. We've just got to think. Could we tunnel in?" God Lance, that's a stupid idea.

"Maybe we could get some hazmat suits and sneak in like med techs." Thats still a bad idea!

"Or we dress up like cooks, head back to the dorms, sneak into the commissary- little late night snack." Now that's a good idea. Hunk and I high fived each other, the only reason I followed along is because I don't want to see any of my friends get hurt or in trouble, and this, this is something that could put us in danger.

"No. What we need is a distraction." Lance said as he rubbed his chin. Suddenly, there were loud explosions from a different side of the desert.

"Is that the aliens? Is that the aliens? Are hey here they got here so quick!" Hunk began to panic.

"No, those explosions were a distraction, for him. The garrisons headed toward the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side." A distraction? For who? Lance quickly took the binoculars from Pidge to see who he was talking about.

"No way! Oh he is not going to beat us in there! That guy is always trying to one up me!" Lance shouted as he bolted down the hill. One up Lance? Oh no, oh nononono it's not who I think it is, is it?

"Who is it?" Hunk asked

"Keith!" You gotta be kidding me right now.

"Who?" Pidge questioned loudly.

"Are you sure?" Hunk and I shouted at the same time as the large teen began to run down the hill.

"Oh I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!"

"Who's Keith?" Pidge asked again as we both ran down the hill together.

"You've met him before, he used to go to the garrison-"

"That asshole thinks he sooo much better than me and he broke (Y/n)'s heart!" The Cuban teen shouted.

"Lance he did not-" before I could say that Keith didn't break my heart and that I was over the situation, Hunk interrupted me.

"He totally did."

"Hunk!" I cried

"What? I'm just being honest." He shrugged as Pidge hacked the door to the room Shiro was in.

Once he hacked the door we see a few men on the floor unconscious and a scarred man being held by the person I haven't seen in what left like ages


Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now