Two (edited)

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Keith and I were doing well at the garrison, well, Keith was having discipline problems, but he still did well in school! We've been here for two years and he's the best pilot in our class, I'd personally say he was one for the best in the building.

And I've made some pretty awesome friends, Hunk and Lance. Hunks really sweet and Lance is really funny. He always called himself the tailor for some reason that I never really understood but Lance does a lot of things that I don't understand. He also made up some weird rival thing between him and Keith, it's strange but really funny I go with it sometimes to annoy Keith.

Anyways, Keith and I were walking to class, he had his hands in his pockets and was looking down at the floor.

"How do you think you're gonna do today? I think I'll be okay, I just need to work on keeping my plane steadier, but I don't know if piloting is my thing. I talked to Iverson about switching to the medical wing." I said as I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"You'll be fine. And if you want to switch you should." Keith said without making eye contact with me.

We walked in silence, something neither of us minded. Soon we heard footsteps behind us, Lance and Hunk walked by my side with smiles on their faces.

"Hi (Y/n)!" Lance said with a grin on his face
"Keith." he glared at Keith and attempted to size him up. I chuckled at the Cuban boy and waved at Hunk.

"You guys ready for the test today?" I asked

"I mean I'm a little nervous, I'm pretty sure Iverson will yell at me if I throw up again so I haven't had any food today." Hunk mumbled, obviously horrified about the test.

"Well I'm totally gonna ace it. They don't call me the tailor for nothing." Lance said cockily

"Nobody calls you that." Keith said, I smiled at him and elbowed his arm softly, signaling him to leave Lance alone.

"Yea well, at least I'm not a show off." Lance shouted. After hearing the two bicker for five minutes, we finally got to our class.

"Alright I'll see you guys after the test." I smiled and walked to my plane, waving at Keith before I got in.

Keith smiled after I was out of sight.

"Oooh is Keith smiling at his girlfriend." Lance teased

"Gross no way. I wouldn't date (Y/n) even if she was the last girl on Earth." Keith said angrily and walked over to his plane.

"Wait I thought they were dating." said Hunk, clearly confused.

"Yea me too." The two boys parted ways before walking to their planes, getting ready for the test.

Time skip

Why is he being such a show off right now?We're all gonna get in so much trouble.

Soon, we all got out of our planes and lined up next to each other. I was in between Hunk and James Griffin. After Iverson yelled at us for what felt like 30 years, he said we were going to be running drills because of Keith and left us alone.

"Thanks a lot." James snapped

"My pleasure." I smiled and held back my laugh at Keith's smart ass comment. He may have gotten us all in trouble but come on, that was funny. Hunk and I were both looking at the two boys arguing, but it quickly got hostile.

"You know the only reason you're here is because of Shiro." Our eyes widened and Hunk turned away from the conversation.

Uh oh

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