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I love getting to sleep in for however long I want to, it's the best. Thank god Allura said yes to getting to take a break, I needed the sleep. Anyways, as I stretched out my back while on my bed I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Hey um (Y/n) I need to ask you something important?" Pidge fiddled with his fingers as he looked at the ground when he stepped into my room hesitantly. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Oh hey Pidge what's up?" He didn't say anything for a while until he looked up from the ground and locked eyes with me.

"Uhhhh- do you have any tampons?" He asked quietly

"I KNEW IT!" I shouted with a huge grin startling Pidge.

"Wait you knew?!" He, well I guess she exclaimed.

"Well at first I wasn't able to tell then I heard Lance call you he and then I was like 'oh he's probably trans' and I didn't question it but yea. I figured you were transitioning and I was going to respect you and not ask."

"I'm happy that you would support me but, tampons??" She asked again

"Right! They're in my desk drawer." I said and Pidge walked over to my desk and grabbed a couple.

"Thanks. Oh and- can you promise not to tell anyone that I'm a girl?"

I put my fingers over my lip, zipped them and locked them. Pidge gave me a thumbs up and left my room.

Time skip

The only thing I've done today is get some plants from Aris that I thought would be useful for medicine or experiments. Other than that I've been lounging on my bed doodling and writing in my log date journals about the plants I collected. But then I remembered that pool Allura told me about. That sounds like a fun thing to do right now, maybe there's a hot tub too.

I went to Allura's room and asked her if she had a swimsuit I could borrow. Surprisingly it wasn't some weird Altean suit, it was a normal Earth looking one. After I thanked her I went into my room to get changed. Now off to the pool I go.

As I got to the elevator I saw Lance walking in it. He looked tired as hell.

"Lance wait up!" I ran up to the elevator and held one of the doors before it closed.

"Oh, hey (Y/n). You going to the pool too?" he yawned as I walked in and stood next to him.

"No I just like wearing swimsuits while I do chemistry. Yes I'm going to the pool Lance."

Lance and I chuckled as the elevator closed but a pale hand pried it back open. I look up to see Keith with a towel on his head, and no shirt on.

Fuck he's hot.

I quickly looked down at the floor so he couldn't see my red cheeks as he stood next to me.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?"

"Allura said there's a pool, I'm gonna go check it out. What do you think you're doing?"

"Ugh same thing."

The brunette groaned as the elevator doors closed and we all started going down. It was silent until Keith spoke up.

"Look you stay on one side of the pool, I'll stay on the other and we'll be far far away from each other. Very far away." The purple hued teen said harshly as he glared at Lance.

All these years later and they still hate each other.

Then the lights black out and the elevator stopped.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now