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"So how's it been on your own?"

"Huh?" His eyes widened and he finally looked at me.

"How has your life been? You know after you left the garrison and everything?"

"Oh- uh- it's been fine. I'm doing a lot better actually." I don't know why, but that answer absolutely enraged me. And it hurt so much. I understand that I'm making really awkward small talk but, after everything we've been through, he's doing just fine without me? After what he put me through, he looks like he hasn't been affected by it at all.

I've been dealing with all this pain and sadness and anger and confusion for a year. Being on my own for the first time without him and he's-

He's fine?

"Oh. That's good to know." I fake smiled. Keep it in, don't show him how much he's hurt you (Y/n), don't.

Keith's point of view

"Oh that's good to know." She faked smiled, that's not good. (Y/n) has a lot of quirks and weird signs of how she's feeling. And I know each and every single one of them. We haven't talked, but that doesn't mean I don't remember her- them. Her quirks I mean.

Her real smile is bright and her fake one isn't as wide, she looks down too. I caught onto it after a while and it's really easy to spot out once you've noticed it.

Her voice cracked too, and her hands clenched up into fists. She does that when shes angry. And with (Y/n) there's dry anger and wet anger, and I'm not sure which one I'm about to hear.

"I'm gonna go back out with Lance and everyone else. Thanks for the clothes." Her voice was laced with venom. I knew it

She hates me.

(Y/N)'s point of view

I had to get out of there before I had a mental breakdown down. Keith stayed in the room as I softly closed the door.

As I walked back to the living room I could see Pidge, Lance, and Hunk all acting strange.

"You were all listening through the door weren't you?" I questioned with a raised brow.

"What? Pshhh of course not! Why would I eavesdrop on you and Keith's conver-"

"I'm sorry (Y/n) we just really wanted to know what was going on!" Hunk confessed

"Way to go Hunk." Pidge grumbled

"Okay anyways- I've said this before and I'll say it again. You. Care. Too. Much. Like seriously, I thought you were gonna yell at him and I was so ready to hear you go off for once in your life. In my opinion, the asshole deserves it."

"Lance don't worry about me. I'm fine I swear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me."

"You're literally crying and have your hands on fists right now." Pidge pointed out

"Huh?" I touched my face and looked at my fingers, they were wet. "Oh- haha yea I guess I am crying right now. But I swear guys I'll be okay." Lance signed at me and face palmed. I don't blame him though, Lance has been sweet enough to try and help me but I always tell him I'm fine. I don't wanna burden him with my problems.

"Come on we're going outside." Lance grabbed my hand and took me outside. After he shut the door I sighed at his childish behavior.


"Quit trying to tell me you're okay. It's obvious you're not fine. You never brought up Keith since the night he left. We talked about it once and I know you were hurting. You can't deal with this kind of stuff on your own (Y/n). Look, I care about you, you're like a sister to me, and I'm tired of seeing you so broken every time I look at you. So can you just talk to me? Please?" Lance asked with a melancholic look in his eyes as he put his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and looked down at the floor, I guess I should just be honest.

"He said he was doing a lot better, he said it like he's been fine this entire time. I don't wanna show him how weak I am Lance. I feel so upset and angry and broken and weak and stupid and I- I've never felt this lost in my life. I know I should be mad- and trust me I am, but it's not a normal kind of mad. It's a tired, broken, and weak kind of mad. But honestly I don't even know how I feel. I still love him, which makes me feel so idiotic and desperate, and then he broke my heart which hurts but I'm mad about it and want to yell at him for that and making me worry about him. But yet and can't hate him and I want to so bad. I want to hate him for what he did but I just can't do it and I don't know why.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now