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The Paladins were in another battle with Zarkon and I was helping Coran and Allura control the castle along with giving the Paladins orders. Pidge, Lance, Hunk, and Shiro we're flying their lions while Keith was in the ship getting secret data we needed.

"I don't know if the castle can take any more of this! Keith how much longer until you get the data?" I asked through the communicator of his helmet.

"I already have it! I'm on my way back to red! Agh!" He screamed, oh no there must be galra soldiers or robots ambushing him. I knew it was a bad idea for him to go alone.

"Keith are you okay?!"

"Not now!" He shouted and cut off the communicator.

"Allura!" the princess turned quickly when I called her.

"I need to go help Keith! He's being ambushed!"

"Do you even have the ability to do that?" She asked out of concern after she shot a blast at one of the small galra ships attacking us.

"I've been training, I'm fully capable of helping out!"

"Alright go ahead, there's suits by the escape pods. Use one of those to get to the main ship! Coran and I have this under control!" I ran off to the escape pods and found a sleek white and gray suit with a round, white helmet to go with it. I quickly put it on and grabbed a (weapon) and rushed into one of the escape pods. Luckily, I got through the battle unnoticed and to the main ship where Keith was. I hope all that training with simulators and robots has paid off.

After running around hallways for what felt like hours but was only moments, I found a group of galra soldiers surrounding something. It must be Keith.

Sneakily, I was able to knock out two soldiers before others turned and began attacking me.

"(Y/n)?! Get out of here!" Keith shouted

"Shut up and let me help you!"

One of them tried to shoot me but I ducked and was able to subdue them. There were about ten of them left. Five against me and five against Keith.

Two of them tried to attack me at once and I jumped up so they ran into each other. When I got down one of them came at me with their sword, which I blocked. I then kicked his groin and he fell onto the ground. Two more left. One of them has been shooting bullets at me, that I've somehow been able to miss and the other one has been doing hand on hand combat with me.
I knocked them out after a few punches and choked out the last one. God I feel like a badass right now. Wait I'm supposed to be helping Keith.

I rushed towards him, he was up against big ones. All five were still surrounding him. It looks like he's knocked a lot out, he must be losing stamina.

After building up enough momentum I jumped up and kicked one of the galras in the head and kicking them out. Then I got my (weapon) and began to attack another one but they kept dodging.

The soldier ran towards me after dodging another attack and grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me up into the air, making me drop my weapon and grab onto his giant arm, trying to push away. I kept kicking but he didn't move, did he want to watch me die? I needed air, it was getting harder and harder to breath, I kept gasping and trying to pry his hand off of my throat but it was no use. He laughed at my struggling, which made me fight harder, until Keith came up behind the galra and stabbed him in the back, making him drop me to the floor and his body quickly following.

I barely pushed myself up to my elbows and began coughing and inhaling deeply.

"You okay?" Keith asked with his hand reaching down to me. He must've knocked out the rest of the guards.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now