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Two years before Keith left

Age: 15

'God math class is so boring' I thought as I looked at the equations on the board. Out of boredom, I let my eyes wonder around class. I was in the back row by the window so it's not like I would distract anyone. There wasn't much to look at. The nik naks on the teachers desk, the poster on the wall, the back of Keith's head. Hehehehehe, looking at the back of Keith's head sounds like fun.

"Um (Y/n) are you okay?Lance she's staring off into space again." Hunk whispered. I don't know how or why our teacher thought it was a good idea to put the three of us anywhere near each other, especially in the back of class.

"She's fine, she's just in love." Lance teased while making kissing noises

"Shut up Lance! And yes Hunk I'm fine." I whispered yelled

"Oooh who's the lucky boy? Or girl, you know if that's what you're into. Or person?"

"You don't worry about it." I chuckled "Since I don't like anyone." I stated harshly as I glared at Lance

"Yea right you were just making goo goo eyes at the back of Keith's head."

"N-no I wasn't!"

"You're a bad liar you know that?"

"Well if (Y/n) does like Keith than it hasn't been for that long. She just started acting like this a little while ago."

"Good point Hunk. Well since it's really obvious that (Y/n) totally has a crush on Keith, I'm wondering how long it's been."

"Guys-" I sighed

"Okay so I noticed her acting weird around a month or two ago."

"Hunk I don't like-"

"Really? I never thought about it until last week."

"Can I get a say in this?!" I whispered shouted again

"No." The Cuban said bluntly

"God Lance you're annoying. But guys I promise you that I don't like Keith. I'm not stupid enough to ruin years worth of friendship over something as stupid as a cruuuuuuushohheyKeithdidn'tseeyoustandingtherehowlongwereyoustandingthere?" I panicked and stretched out that word as I saw Keith approaching my desk. I also noticed that kids were getting out of their seats and leaving class, I guess the bell rang.

"Um I just got here dumbass, I'm gonna go to the library to do some homework can you help me?"

"Uh huh yea sure totally I'll meet you there."

"Alright bye." I smiled and waved as Keith walked off. I could hear the two boys next to me snicker.

"Don't have a crush my ass."

"Shut up." I groaned

"So are you gonna tell him?" The coal haired boy asked sweetly.

"There's nothing to tell him!"

"Okay but why like Keith? He's the worst." The Cuban questioned with a raised brow and crossed arms.

"Yea but he's cute so it's fine. Wait- DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?"

"HA I knew it! So, you gonna tell us how long?"

"Ughhhhh it's been a few months."

"Hahaha, but seriously why Keith?" Hunk asked

"(Y/n)'s probably just horny and wants to fuck him." Lance said with a shit eating grin on his face

"LANCE!" I exclaimed with a flustered face.

"Don't see you denying it!" He snapped back

"DENYING IT. DEFINITELY DENYING IT." I scrambled to even get those words together.

"Okay I'm gonna bug you about this later. Go have fun on your date."

"It's not a date!"


"(Y/n)?" Lance asked as he walked into my room, snapping me out of that memory that seemed so long ago.


"You were dazing."

"S-sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that dinners ready, come on."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I said before Lance nodded and left me be.


"(Y/n), over here." Keith waved from the secluded table at the back of the library.

"Sorry I took so long, Lance was being stupid." I sighed and sat down, putting my bag next to the chair.

"What were you three talking about anyways?"

"Boats." Seriously? That's the best excuse I could come up with? Boats?

"Boats?" He raised a brow

"Yea boats, I really like boats and I was thinking about them during class." I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Since when were you a boat person?"

"I've always thought boats were pretty cool but- I've never really thought that much about them and how much I really liked them until a few months ago."

"What the hell made you so interested in boats. I've never heard you talk about them."

"I don't know. I mean I've never really thought of boats as anything more than a small interest. A hobby you could say, something I'd want to ride from time to time-"

Shit that's weird since Keith's the boat. Lance can never know about that or I'll never hear the end of it.

"-But now I really want a boat. And I've never realized how much I've wanted a boat until now. But I can't have a boat since...we're in the dessert." And the boat doesn't see me anything more than a friend.

"Alright then? Anyways I need help with math."

"Why'd you ask me? You know we're just gonna goof off and not do it, right?" My question followed by my laughter.

"That's exactly why I asked you." The purple hued teen said with a sly smirk as he leaned back in his chair.


"(Y/n) are you okay? You keep staring off into space. Is the food not good? Do you not like it?" The amazing chef of the castle of lions, aka Hunk who totally deserves that great title, frantically asked as he was sitting across from me at the dinning table.

"No it's great Hunk. I'm just thinking." I smiled and took a bite of the purple mashed stuff in front of me, it was great.

"Ooh what about? I'm quite interested in learning more about humans and what you're species is like." Allura asked from the head of the table.

"Nothing important, just the past. Things I haven't thought about in a long time."

"Oh like that one time we were hanging out at that park on the weekend and you fell into the pond." Pidge said, making Lance burst out laughing.

"We don't talk about the pond. But I was just thinking about boats."

Boats? Keith thought

I remember her talking to me about boats once.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now