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Six years before Keith Left

Age: 11

God class is so boring. Half the time I'm looking out the window even though I'm nowhere near it. Keith's lucky, he gets to be near a window. I turn my head and notice the principal walking into class with... Wait, is that Takashi Shirogane?!

"I've brought a special guest along with me today. I'm sure you all recognize him. He's the youngest pilot to ever lead a mission into space, Takashi Shirogane!" The principal said with a smile on her face. Everyone started clapping, I felt like I was about to have a seizure from excitement.

"Thanks for having me." He said

"Shiro just broke the record for the fastest orbital velocity, beating the old heliocentric speed by about 50 kilometers per second."

"The Galaxy Garrison has sent me to schools in the areal help find the next generation of astro-explorers. Who ready to find out if they got what it takes?" All of us began shouting "Me! Me!" like we belonged in a zoo.

"Alright, alright. To do that, we're going to give you a test."

And then we all groaned, a test? Are you kidding me?

"By playing a video game." Okay never mind that sounds like fun. We all got out of our seats and lined up to go outside, I guess the game was out there. Once we all got outside there was this giant machine next to who I'm assuming was Shiro's car.

"Indroducing the orbit axiom x. The Galaxy garrisons most advanced flight simulator." The black haired man smiled before continuing "Cadets not much older than you use simulators just like this to train to become the next generation of space explorers. Now let's see what you got." Half of the class went into the orbit axiom x while the other half stayed out waiting for their turn, it wasn't big enough for all of us. I went in.

"Cool you made it through the first checkpoint!" James exclaimed at the freckled girl playing the game. Once she made it to the next level to she bumped into a rock and we all heard this loud buzzer and big bold red letters appeared on the screen that said:


Then the next kid came up to try...


And then the next...


And the one after that...


And the one after that...


And then the next...


And the next...


Annnnnd the next...


Yea long story short, most of us couldn't get past level three, we sucked.

"We've has some great tries, but nobody's made it past the third level yet." Shiro reminded all of us before he looked over at Keith, who was crouching down looking at dirt, obviously not caring about the test.

"Looks like you're the only one who's left. Think you got what it takes?" He asked the purple eyed boy. Keith got up and stepped into the simulator and sat down, I was standing to his right.

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