Twenty Two

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"Why am I blindfolded again?" (Y/n) asked from the passengers seat of the car Keith was driving.

"Just trust me okay?" The raven haired man said as he continued to drive on the empty, two lane road with rocky hills that were wet from the rain on the right and the long grass that practically covered the white fence on his left side.

After several minutes Keith finally arrived to his surprise for (Y/n), the beach.

Well it's more of a shore that nobody goes to.

The purple hued man parked the car on the side of the empty road that no one used and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Hang on a second." He mumbled as he took the keys out of the ignition and opened his door.

Seconds later (Y/n) could hear her door open.

"Hold my hand." said the black haired man as he held out his hand for his girlfriend.

He helped her down to the sand and let go of her hand to take off her blindfold.

"Surprise!" Keith smiled as he stepped next to (Y/n). It took a minute for her eyes to get adjusted to the light but once she smelled the salty water and heard the waves she could tell where she was. She smiled and turned to Keith.

"I'm surprised that you chose the beach." The (h/c) haired girl chuckled. It rained earlier in the morning so the sky was still grey with clouds and it smelled of rain.

"Well you know this is where we first became friends." Keith pointed out as he set up a big white beach towel for the two to sit on.

"I remember." (Y/n) said as she sat next to him, smoothing down her sundress in the process.

"I was sitting under an umbrella and you walked over to me with a bucket and shovel asking me to play with you and your friends." Keith smirked as he rubbed the back of his neck, remembering what felt so long ago.

"And then you said no and told me to go away." The girl said with a raised brow as she turned to her boyfriend.


"Why do you wanna hang out with the weirdo?" The blonde girl rudely snapped with crossed arms as she sat on the sand.

"We told you not to." The freckled child turned to look at her friend who was holding an old tin bucket with rust on it and a red plastic shovel.

"He's not weird, he's just shy." The six year old (e/c) eyed child with two pigtails/puffs said quietly.

"I don't know why you wanna be friends with that freak so bad." The blonde said as she continued to build her sandcastle with the other young girl.

"He's not a freak. It's not fun to have no friends around and he looks like he needs a friend." (Y/n) spoke up with her head held high confidently.

"Well you can go be his friend if you want to, but you can't be friends with us if you talk to that freak show." The freckled girl retorted without looking at her so called friend. (Y/n) huffed and began to walk towards a white and blue umbrella with a boy her age sitting under it.

"Hey Keith!" She smiled and waved to him. Instead of saying hi back, Keith rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" the boy groaned

"Well you looked kinda lonely under here by yourself so I thought I'd keep you company!" (Y/n) smiled with hope, but the boy just glared at her.

"I brought my toys too! So we could play with the sand and make sandcastles!" She offered and showed him the rusty bucket and plastic red shovel.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now