Well, its over

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The gag is I was writing an authors note about how I was discontinuing the story when I decided to write the last chapter.

But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the story. It took me a whole year to make and I rewrote the entire thing the first few months. And by rewrote I mean I completely changed the story!

Originally you weren't an orphan and you were best friends with Lance and met him at the garrison. You didn't go to space and instead you tried to figure out where Lance went missing, then the galra came and took you to one of their work camps, they did experiments on you, you had a robot leg and wings and then Lance, Keith And Hunk ended up finding you at your abandoned apartment with a key that you gave Lance before you left....

So yea I'm really happy I changed it because it was practically a Lance x Reader and it made zero freaking sense(the writing was ass too but we won't talk about that)

I just wanted to thank you all for sticking around and reading the whole story (and waiting so long for updates😅)

It really means a lot and I honestly didn't think that my book would ever get this many  views or hit NUMBER ONE IN THE KEITH TAG MULTIPLE TIMES

It's kind of sad that this book is done with but on the bright side

I'm making a oneshot book😀

I'm making a my hero academia one shot book(it's already out so go request!)

And I'm making a Keith x reader one shot book (that I'll probably hardly update but there'll still be shit on there for you to read)

So this won't be the last of my writing you'll see!

I love you guys so much and thank you for going on this LONG journey with me!!


Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now