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"You know Keith, if you wanted to come see me you can just walk in and start talking. You don't have to keep getting your ass beat by the simulator." I smirked and crossed my arms. It was around that time of day when I could hear the doors open so see Keith with a few cuts a bruises on his body. It's been the same thing every time, the simulator.

"Ha ha ha very funny (Y/n)." He rolled his eyes and started walking towards me. I was organizing the infirmary. I haven't cleaned it since the fight with Zarkon, so it's kind of a mess to say the least.

"Go wash the cuts with soap and water, then I'll help you." Keith went to the sink and did what he was told. After that, he walked back to me.

"Alright sit down. I'll get the bandages." I chuckled, turning to the cabinets to grab what I needed. Once I grabbed the things I turned towards Keith and set them next to him on the hospital like bed.

"Give me your arm." The purple eyed teen stuck it out and I grabbed the closest thing we had to a cotton ball, put hydrogen peroxide on it and began to clean Keith's cuts. He hissed, obviously because of the slight stinging. Once I was done with that I grabbed ointment and put it on the cuts. The last thing I have to do is wrap them up in the bandages.

Keith's POV

You know, the peroxide isn't that bad. If it means I get to have (Y/n)'s soft touch on my skin then I'm fine with the stinging. She's gentle, she's always been so gentle. She was like this the first time she came to my aid. And I don't mean the first time I got my ass beat by the bot. I mean the very first time, back on Earth. When I got in that fight with one kid for talking crap about my parents.

And now I'm getting the treatment once again. The sad part is, (Y/n) is hardly grazing me and she's probably not even thinking about it. It's all in my head. It's not actual affection. She's just bandaging me. But I've been lucky. I know what it's like to get affection from (Y/n) even though it's not meant to be the kind that I really want. What she gives to me is just affection out of friendship. When she caught me at a bed time and stayed in my room to hug me until we both fell asleep. Her hugs are so intoxicating, I feel like I get put under some sort of spell when she touches me. When she puts her hand on my shoulder or arm to calm me down, or the hugs, or when she's putting bandages on me because I got beat up by the bots. Which, I've started doing on purpose but will never admit to out loud. She may know I'm doing it on purpose, but she doesn't need to know the real reason.

"Have you always had that cut on your cheek?" She looked up from my arm and asked. She set my arm down to examine it, damn it. Why did she have to pull away?

"Yea, it's been there." I said as (Y/n) put her both of her hands on my face. She wasn't touching the cut, but she caressed my cheeks. Which caught me off guard, I could feel the heat rising to my face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see that one." She sighed and began to do the same thing she did on my arm to the cut on my face.

"You know what, I think I'm okay now." I said quickly

"Keith I'm not even close to done with the one on your face yet."

"It's fine, I gotta go. Thanks." I panicked and hopped off of the bed.

I got out of that room as fast as I could and ran into mine. Once I shut my door I leaned on it while I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and clutched my chest. I began to walk to my bed slowly and flopped onto it.

I feel like such an idiot. Something as simple as that shouldn't be making me feel this way. I shouldn't be craving for more. I shouldn't want her to do that all the time. I shouldn't want to know what it's like if I held her soft hand. But I do. I want to look into her eyes for hours. I want to hold her and I want to know if her lips are just as soft as her touches.

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