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"Keith still isn't here. I told him Hunk had dinner ready almost a varga ago." Allura groaned, putting her fork down. The Cuban rolled his eyes and took another bite of his food. Everyone was clearly still stressed with the switch of everyone's jobs. Allura was in the blue lion now, Lance was in red, Keith in black, and now Coran is flying the castle and I'm his right hand man.

"Just leave him be. If he wants to act like this then let him." Lance scoffed from farther down the table. Allura was at the head, Coran was sitting on her right side. I was across from Pidge and Hunk, who were next to each other and Lance was a couple of seats away from me.

"He's probably just stressed with having to lead and now we have this Lotor guy to deal with. And on top of that Shiro's not here. It's a lot." I sighed and took another bite of my food.

"He's not even leading!" Lance whined as he threw his hand up in the air.

"Yea (Y/n) you weren't there. It was really bad. With Keith going off on his own, Allura's complaining, and Zarkon's son, which we never knew about, it was a shit show. We're all just as stressed as Keith." Pidge rubbed her eyes, clearly tired from today.

"Hunk, can you pass me Keith's plate? I'm gonna go take it to him." I ignored the short girl and turned to Hunk.

"He probably won't answer, I already tried." said Hunk as he handed me the food.

"I'll see you in a few minutes okay?" I got up from my chair and walked to the kitchen to get some water.

After that, I walked down the halls of the castle for what felt like forever,' the hallways are so long. The bedrooms are so far from the dinning room. Finally, I made it to Keith's door.




"Keith?" I said softly, I waited for a response but I never got one.




"Keith I know you're in there." I waited. Still no answer.

"Look, I know today was rough but it's gonna get better. It's only your first day as the leader. It's gonna take a while for you to get used it." no answer.

"I brought you some food, Hunk made your favorite, you hungry?" I waited for a moment, then sighed.

He's not gonna open the door. I might as well leave.

As I began to walk away I heard the door open. I turned and saw Keith.

He looked so tired. His hair was messy, he had bags under his eyes, I knew he wasn't doing well but I didn't think it was this bad. He stepped aside, which meant that I could go in.

Once I stepped inside the first thing I noticed was that the room was dark. I walked over and I sat the food on his desk and put the water on his nightstand. The purple eyed teen was sitting on his bed, he must've went there when I wasn't looking. He was lazily watching what I was doing. He looked like he was in some sort of daze, but not a fun one. The ones you get in when you're not doing well. Yea, that's what it is.

"I brought you some water too, I'll just put it next to your nightstand for when you feel like getting it okay?" He slowly nodded while
he looked down at the floor. I haven't seen him like this I'm such a long time. He was only like this when he first got to the orphanage and when Shiro was announced dead.

I sat down next to him on his bed. I wasn't far, but I wasn't close. There was space, a little bit of space. God I f there was something I could do to make him happy I would do it in a heartbeat. I hate seeing him so sad. He looks like he's going to break if I make one wrong move. I need to be careful. He's so quiet. I mean, he's always quiet. Theres been so many times where he won't talk and I was fine with it. I was content. But this, this is a scary quiet. This is a quiet I've never had to deal with before. The few times he got like this he just pushed me away. This time, it's different. It's so much more different.

He opened the door this time.

He let me talk this time.

He let me sit next to him this time.

I need to do something. He's giving me a chance to be there for him.

"Keith I-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he clung onto my waist, tightly, like I would disappear if he didn't. Then he began to cry.

"Hey. Hey hey hey. It's gonna be okay." I wrapped my arms around him and let him weep while I rubbed circles into his back, trying to soothe him. This is new. This is really new. He used to wipe his tears and say he was fine. I've never seen him cry like this before. I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't hear his faint words that he tried to get out through his sobs.

"You're not gonna leave me too will you?" Those few words made my heart ache. So that's what's wrong. He thinks I'm gonna leave him too. He thinks I'm going to disappear. Like his dad. Like his mom. Like Shiro.

"No, I'm never gonna leave you, I promise." I whispered and leaned back onto the bed, bringing Keith with me.

He just needs someone right now. He needs someone to comfort him. Putting my feelings aside, I'm here as a friend. Just a friend. I need to be here as a friend.

"Can you stay for a while? Please." The black haired teen said while his head lay on my chest. My arms were still wrapped around him and his were clinging onto my waist.

"Yea." I said softly as I rubbed his back.

"I'll stay."

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now