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"You've been quiet for a while." Keith says as he drives away from the beach with (Y/n).

"Sorry I was just thinking." The girl responds, snapping back into reality.

"You've always had your head in the clouds huh?"

"Yea I guess some things never change." She chuckles

"So where are we going now?" The (h/c) haired woman asked as her boyfriend drove to the small town they grew up in.

"I think you already know beautiful." She hummed, showing that she understood and looked back out at the window. The old van Keith drove was silent on the way to town, which the two were perfectly okay with. It was a comfortable silence. Nothing but the wind could be heard from the rolled down windows and the occasional chitter chatter from people on the streets.

After a short drive the raven haired man stopped the car. (Y/n)'s suspicion was right, he drove the two of them where they first met, the orphanage. It was a three story brick building in between other buildings similar to it. Except this one had a lot more windows in it and the grass was dead.

The (e/c) hued girl looked up at the old, run down building and smiled.

"Thank you." She said and looked towards Keith

"For what?" He chuckled as he took the keys out of the ignition.

"For today. It's been perfect."

"It's nothing much, just a day at the beach."

"Yea but it was a day at the beach with you dummy." She smiled and kissed the purple eyed man's cheek, then got out of the car.

Keith looked down and smiled, he couldn't believe he was here. Never in a million years did he think he'd be with (Y/n). He never thought he would get this lucky. To have somebody who loves him unconditionally the way she did. To trust somebody the way he trusted her.

I can't believe I'm really doing this.

"Hey Keith, you coming?" (Y/n) shouted from outside the car as she faced the building where she grew up.

He quickly got out of the car and walked to his girl.

"So how are we getting in?" She asked, turning her head towards the tall man. Keith deadpanned, realizing he didn't think this through all the way.

"That's uh- that's a good question."

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) (L/n)? Is that you?!" The said girl turned to see and older woman walking down the sidewalk she was on with a cane.(a/n: this is so random but I imagined Ms. Johnson to sound like Mama Odie from The Princess and The Frog)

"Mrs. Johnson?"

"It is you! Child where in the hell have you been?!" The old woman yelled as the younger one ran up to hug her, Keith hesitantly following behind his girl slowly.

"It's good to see you again." The (h/c) said and let go of her tight embrace on the dark skinned woman.

"It's good to see you too child. Lemme look at you!" She commanded.

"Honey you've grown into such a pretty young woman." She smiled and looked back into her eyes.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson."

"Now you-" Mrs. Johnson glared to Keith and started walking closer to him, making him nervous.

"When in the hell did you get so tall and good looking!?" She yelled, yanking the black haired man down to her level and looking at his face. "You all grown up too!"

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now