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All I see in this white room is glass

I step up to look closer

And I see an ugly girl

A weak






insecure girl

But then I realize

It's my reflection

It's me

And then I'm pushed into the glass

I'm falling

And falling

And falling

I hit the floor, hard

I don't want to get up

It's hurts

But I get up

This place

It looks familiar

I know this place


Is that me?

And James?

"You're pretty cute you know that?"


Don't go into that closet

You're gonna get hurt

I know you feel special

And wanted

And loved

But you're fragile

You can't keep letting this happen

He's just using you

You promised to not let anyone in

You promised no more hurt

He's gonna hurt you

He's gonna leave you

Just like everyone else did.

I go to stop myself, I walk into the closet

But everything's black

I'm not in the closet anymore

I don't know where I am.

"(Y/n)!" I hear a voice call out. I see Keith appear.

"Keith?" Whats going on? I'm so confused

"Yea it's me. I'm sorry I've been gone so long." The black haired teen chuckled and hugged me.

"That's cute, you think he loves you." I hear a faint voice say as my soul is pulled out of my body.

I can see myself, but I'm not moving. Keith keeps asking me what's wrong. I try to respond but I'm quickly cut off by an evil laugh. I turn and see a girl.

She's scary. Her hair is a mess. She's thin, almost to the point where she's sick. Her eyes are bloodshot red and there's heavy bags under her eyes. Her nails are longer than mine could ever be and they're sharp. But I can't see the bottom half of her face, it's covered in a mussel. One I feel like I've seen before.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now