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Three years later

I don't know what's going on with Keith. He hasn't been talking to me a much as usual, I've been seeing less and less of him and he hasn't told me why. But on the bright side, I have Lance, Hunk and Pidge to be around since Keith is being a butt.

"So (Y/n) what are you gonna do after class ends today?" Pidge asked as we walked down the hall.

"Nothing much, Lance and I are gonna hang out." I said with a smile.

"Wait I thought you were hanging out with Keith?" The coal haired boy questioned.

"Well I was but he canceled last minute, I think he's still upset over Shiro." I mumbled.

"Why are you hanging out with my rival?" Lance shouted, I giggled

Pidge looked up from his notebook and exclaimed "That's because she likes him!" and made kissing noises.

"Ha ha ha very funny." I groaned and kept walking down the hall a little quicker so they couldn't see the small blush on my face.

"Ooh is (Y/n) blushing over her boyfriend?" Hunk wiggled his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes.

"Answer my question!"

"Lance I'm allowed to have other friends, plus you two aren't rivals." I said, ignoring the teasing.

"Well that's just your opinion." He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Alright guys I gotta get to class, come on Hunk." Pidge said. I waved goodbye to Hunk and Pidge while Lance and I walked into our Social History class. We went to our table and he sat next to me.

"Keith's missing again." Lance said

"He's gonna start getting in trouble if he keeps ditching. I keep asking him where he's at but he hasn't responded to any of my calls or messages." I said nervously, ever since Shiro was confirmed dead Keith hasn't been the same. I've tried talking to him and getting him to open up but all he's done is push me away.

Our teacher, Mr. Wright, walked into class looking like a hot mess, a look he's been wearing lately. He looked bad after he broke up with his fiancé but this was way worse. I assumed it was because of Shiro's death but it would be rude to ask. Come on, if you and you're fiancé got into a fight, broke up and then they ended up dying somewhere in space you wouldn't want a student to bring it up.

"Alright everyone today we're going to be discussing world war three" He said from the front of the class as he put his messenger bag down.

Time skip

As I walked out of class with Lance I got a notification on my device.

"Hey I got a text from Keith." I smiled

"What's it say?" He asked

"He wants me to meet him at his dorm at ten tonight." I could already see the shit eating smirk on Lance's face without having to even look up at him.

"Wow I wonder why we would ask you to come so late at night, after we're all supposed to be in bed." Lance wiggled his eyebrows at me as heat started rising to my cheeks.

"Lance-" I was rudely cut off

"Maybe tonight's the night you can finally confess."

"I don't know-"

"Come on I've been trying to get you to do this for two years. This is perfect!"
Lance chuckled as we walked down the halls together.

"Anyways, do you still want to do self care Friday?" I asked, that's was Lance and I called it. Every Friday, Lance and I would meet up in my room to pamper ourselves. We would put on face masks, clean our nails, deep condition our hair and a ton of other fun things too!

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now