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Alright I'll explain what's been going on,

Lance's skinny ass flew us into space. And he's a lot shittier of a pilot then I thought. He's not bad, but definitely not the best.

Anyways, I'm on a planet that's nowhere near home and I met a pretty alien princess who's like 10,000 years old and Lance tried to flirt with her but he failed and she grabbed his ear and pinned him down, it was really funny.

Then she brought up this war that's been going on for a few thousand years. Apparently there's this old ass alien named Zarkon who's gonna destroy us all... who knew?

Oh and I almost forgot! There's this really cool dude with red hair named Coran and he acts like a dad, not like Shiro but more like an uncle from the 80s? Yea that's a way to describe him.

I'm getting off track again. Allura, the hot alien, told us the Voltron thing we found was the only way to stop this Zarkon dude and there's five lions which means five people fly them. Five. Not six. Five....

So you know what I'm doing??


Buuuuuuut I figured I'd just be a medic when someone gets hurt during battles and shit but noooooo there's a god damn machine that does that so im stuck in the middle of space doing nothing.

Wait I am doing something!! Allura gave me the "extremely important duty" of cleaning a 10,000 year old castle.

Okay sorry that got really sarcastic and pessimistic, let me think of something cool to talk about.

Oh and I've been practicing on battle tactics and training and I'm surprisingly good at it! It's been one of the only things that have kept me from losing my shit. and I think if I keep it up I could go on missions and help when everyone else fights! Which is kind of exciting, I learned a little bit of fighting at the garrison but there's not much a medic needs to know about fighting.

So I'm..... self taught?

It's kind of fun here, we haven't gotten a day off so I've been cleaning and training. Since I'm not a paladin I'm not around everyone all the time and it sucks if I'm being honest. It's like everyone is forming this giant bond with one another and I'm excluded since I'm basically a maid.

Kind of like at the orphanage. Everyone had friends and I was by myself most of the time.
Well, until Keith showed up.

Okay this is supposed to be a log journal not a diary I'm gonna end this for the day. I don't need to be getting in my feels.

- sincerely,
⋆ (Y/n) ⋆

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