Six (edited)

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You know, I thought I would be able to keep my composure if I ever saw him again. But looking into his eyes, they brought back that night. That night we fought, that night I found out he was leaving, he yelled, I ran off and cried to Lance I-

I didn't think that would all come back once I looked into his eyes. It was strange, he looked to everyone and then he saw me. His breath hitched and his eyes widened, it was like there wasn't anyone else in the room but the two of us.

I wanted to slap him.

"Nope. No, you- no, no, no. No you don't. I'm saving Shiro." Lance interrupted our moment with his sass as he walked towards the two and put Shiro's arm around his shoulder. Keith quickly looked away from me and to the Cuban boy next to him with a raised brow.

"Who are you?" Wow, his voice got a little deeper.

"Who am I? Uh the name's Lance." The room suddenly got very silent. Wait- does Keith not remember Lance? Oh god, this is gonna be more awkward than it needs to be.

"We were in the same class at the Garrison."

"Really are you an engineer?" Hunk and I look at each other, both cringing at this interaction.

"No I'm a pilot! We were like rivals. You know Lance and Keith neck and neck."

"Oh wait I remember you, you're a cargo pilot." Jesus Lance's ego is getting destroyed right now.

"Well not anymore. I'm fighter class thanks to you washing out."

"Well congratulations." Keith sighed as they both started to walk out with Shiro. Before Keith could pass me, I quickly turned away with Hunk and Pidge to keep lookout as the other two took Shiro to the hover bike.

"Oh man they're coming back and they do not look happy. We've gotta go." Hunk exclaimed as the three of us ran towards the other boys.

"Uh do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" Hunk asked as we all hopped on, I was in the middle, in front of the large teen and next to Pidge. Unfortunately, due to his weight, Hunk tipped the bike a little bit and shook us up. Which had Pidge questioning if we'd all be able to get away.

"Is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?"

"No." Keith said bluntly, he's still the same.

Suddenly, the teen with the mullet quickly started the engine and took off, which sent me flying forward and right behind him. I grabbed Keith's waist for dear and I noticed how tense he got. I couldn't blame him though, we haven't spoken to each other in a year and we didn't exactly leave off on good terms.

Keith's point of view

Once I started my bike and drove off as fast as possible and I felt a body clash against my back and hold onto my waist tightly. I was irritated until I felt who it was. The touch, the smell, it was (Y/n). My body tensed up quickly and I got nervous. God she's probably mad at me. She's probably been mad at me ever since I left. I wouldn't blame her for hating me. Knowing her, she probably doesn't even want to be here right now. I didn't say anything, it wasn't the right time to talk. We were being chased, I'll save it for another time.

"Why am I holding this guy?!" The short one shouted as Shiro was passed off to them, interrupting my thoughts. I ignored it and focused on driving.

"Hey, we did all fit!" The big man shouted, god this is an annoying bunch of people.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" The most annoying one asked.

"We could toss out some non-essential weight." I rolled my eyes at the annoying one and heard (Y/n) chuckle quietly. I haven't heard her laugh in a while, it's still the same. It made me smile, but it quickly faded once I heard Lance talking.

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