Twenty One

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(Play the song when you see ~~~)

"Hey Allura I'm here."

"Here you go." She handed me an outfit and smiled. Earlier today, the princess asked me to explore a planet we were going to stop by at to see if there were any materials, elements or plants we would find useful. A time out of the castle? Sounds great. I'm tired of being cooped up in here all the time.

"You're going to need this. The outfit you're wearing won't keep you safe while going on another planet. The suit is sleek but it will definitely protect you. There's padding in it and it will keep your human body in the conditions it needs to be in."

The outfit was just like Allura's before she became a paladin except it was black, white and grey.

"You're also going to need this helmet. You should be fine without it on this planet but only for a limited amount of time. Make sure to put it on frequently."

"Thank you Allura."

"Here's a bag too, for things you would like to collect. Come to the control room in five dobashes after you've changed."

"Got it!"

Time skip

"There shouldn't be any galra on this planet. There probably won't be any survivors or signs of life either. The galra sucked out a lot of quintessence from this planet before they abandoned it. Most of the structures there haven't been touched in deca-phoebs so be careful, understood?"

"Yes princess."

"Alright head on to the pod, you have 15 vargas to find what you can. The planet is fairly small so it shouldn't take you long."

"I'll see you later."

"Good luck (Y/n)!"

Time skip because I'm lazy

"Wow Allura was right. Everything's in ruins."

I begin walking around the city. It's a lot like Earth. The homes are fairly similar. There's vehicles, I think they may have flown, flooding the streets. So far, I haven't found anything that we don't already have. And it's already been four hours.

At least this planet's small I thought as I continued to walk down the city of ruins.

I decided to walk into one of apartment buildings. This place looks a lot like the city back at home. The block Keith and I grew up on. The streets clearly used to be busy and there must've been a lot of people living on this planet.

I opened the door to one of the apartments. It was the home of a family. There were toys on the ground and I could see a small table with an old hologram on it.

"So that's what they looked like."

These aliens, they had white hair and icy blue markings on their bodies. They all seemed to be pretty tan to dark too. Or at least, that's what I got from the hologram. There was an older woman, who I assumed was the mother, and three kids. A teenage girl with thick, coily, long white hair. A young teenage boy, he looked around 13 or 14 with cornrows and he held up a hand sign I was unfamiliar with, it was probably their version of the peace sign. And then there was a little girl with a gap between her two front teeth and two giant puffs tied up and her tounge was sticking out. The mother had faux locs with some jewels in them and a smile just as bright as the sun.

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