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After I closed my log date journal I decided to finish the chores Allura gave me for the day.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. The bedroom was lit by the small desk lamp only, it was nighttime on Aris and the Paladins were still out training.

"What happened to us?" I said as I looked down at my journal.

I think I was having a mental breakdown that night we saved Shiro because it was the first time I saw Keith in a while and it was out of pure shock. But after being around him for a while I've gotten used to him. It's still been weird, like, really weird. We haven't brought up the argument since we last saw each other so I don't know if he's trying to forget about it or doesn't want to talk to me, not like it matters, I don't see him often, or anyone. I'm always busy cleaning and organizing the castle while they're all out saving the universe.

I chuckled and got out of my chair. I need to finish the chores Allura gave me before she comes to yell at me. I hate getting yelled at.

As I was walking down the hall to go clean the kitchen I heard noise from the hangar. Everyone must be back.

"It took you lazy lumps long enough! It only takes regular Altean civilians 30 dobashes to defeat those kind of simulators!" I heard Allura scream from the main control room.

"Princess you have to remember that most of us have never trained to fly giant robots or fight alien dictators." Shiro pleaded

"Which is why you should be working harder! The universe is in your hands so start acting like it!"

Geez maybe I should step in and help everyone out, it sounds pretty bad.

I decided to stop snooping and I entered the room. Allura's back was facing the door and everyone looked at me while the Altean princess was yelling at them. I gently tapped her shoulder.

"Princess Allura," I said quietly

"What (Y/n)?" She glared at me as she turned. She's not normally this angry, she must be in a really bad mood. Yikes.

"You know- uh, us humans normally don't work well under pressure or stress. These kind of things take time for us. And don't get me wrong I completely understand that the fight against Zarkon is extremely important but these Paladins" I gestured over towards them "have been working really hard for the past few weeks and humans get worn out quickly if they aren't given time to rest. Without the proper amount of rest we do an awful job at whatever task we're given. So maybe it would be a good idea to give them all tomorrow off." Allura raised a brow at me as I rushed that last sentence out. I mean I'm a medic/ doctor in training, it's my job to know this stuff. Hopefully my argument convinced Allura to lay off.

"And then they get back to work the next day?" She asked as she crossed her arms

"Yes, exactly!" I smiled brightly

Allura looked at me and then the Paladins, then back to me"I suppose so, but if you all don't improve after your day off so help me-"

"They will Princess Allura, I promise you."

"Alright then, all of you are given tomorrow off. Even you (Y/n). The castle does look rather nice and you've been working hard too. Get some sleep and enjoy tomorrow Paladins."

After Allura stepped out of the room hunk ran up and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much (y/n)! I don't know how much more of that I could've been able to take!" He put me down and lance walked up to me and gave me a high five.

"This is exactly why we're friends! As cute as Allura is she sure can be bossy." Lance rubbed his neck

"I'm gonna work on so many new gadgets with this alien tech. The things here are so much more advanced than home."

"How long have you gone without your tech pidge?" I asked with a grin on my face

"Almost a month, it's been awful." everyone laughed at the small brunette.

"What about you Shiro? What do you plan on doing?" Pidge asked

"I'll probably do some light exercises. It's important to get rest but it's also important to keep working hard!"

He acts like an energetic anime character.

"What are you gonna do (Y/n)?"

"Actually uh, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll explore the planet. Make some medicine for you guys since we don't have any of the stuff we did on Earth. You know, in case someone gets a fever or something. I'm obviously gonna sleep in, maybe I'll go swimming."

The room went silent and all of us looked over at Keith to see what he was planning on doing tomorrow.

"What?" He shrugged

"Are you gonna stand there and be all emo or are you gonna tell us what you wanna do tomorrow?" The blue eyed teen sassed

"He'll probably just stand there and be emo all of tomorrow." Pidge joked making all of laugh except for Keith, who got butt hurt.

"Wha- whatever!" He left the room and went to his bedroom.

"Alright guys I'm gonna head off to bed, night!" I smiled and left the control room, hearing faint goodnights and sleep wells.

Best Friends - Keith x readerWhere stories live. Discover now