Chapter 1 - COREYYYY

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4 January 2019

Laura's P.O.V

Corey is my older brother. He is 23 and I'm 20. Mom and Dad finally let me move in with my brother.

We've always wanted to live together for a while because we are super close, we never fought when we were little.

I'm packing my bags to go to LA, I'm super excited to see my brother. I know he is a YouTuber but that doesn't change anything I feel for my brother.

Next Day

I get to the airport and say goodbye to my parents. 

I finally get to the LA airport and I see Corey. I run up to him and jump hug him.

"COREYYYYYYYYYYY", I yell about to cry.

"LAURA", Corey engulfs me in a hug.

"Lets go before the fans come" He says taking me to his car and he starts to drive.

"Omg Corey I missed you so much" I say.

"I missed you too Lauzy" He says

"It's been what, 5 years since I last saw you", I say smiling uncontrollably.

"Yeah what's up with that, you never came to visit", He says smiling as a joke.

"HEY, You never visited us", I say getting annoyed but knowing he was joking.

We sit there and laugh. "We're nearly there", He says turning the last corner.

"We're here", He says opening the gate .

"Just to say everyone is excited to meet you especially my girlfriend", He says

"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!", I scream and he just laughs

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER", I say opening the door running.

"LAURA CHILL", He yells running after me

"What  I wanna meet my future sister in law", I say stopping at the pillars.

"Ok just chill let me get your bags then we can go inside", He says, I run to the car get my bags out and run to the door.

"Laura!", He says. "What I'm excited I've been a fan of Sam and Colby since vine, come on.", I say

"Just chill", He says unlocking the door. 

"Guys my sister has arrived", He calls out and everyone runs to the door.

"Omg you weren't wrong about them being excited", I say suddenly getting nervous.

"Your nervous now, omg Laura you wanted to come in 5 minutes ago", Corey says while everyone giggles.

"Guys this is my sister Laura she is 3 years younger then me and she is here to stay so let me take her to her room and we can introduce each other soon.", Corey says.

We walk upstairs and I take Elton's room because he's gonna be in the garage.

"This is your room", Corey says putting my bags down.

Word count: 415 Words

Thank you for reading my new book. I hope you enjoy. Byeeeeeeeee

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