Chapter 33 - The Note

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25 July 2019

Laura's P.O.V

Elton gives me the letter. 

It's from Jake.

It reads:

Dear Laura,

I know an apologize from me won't fix what I have done. I know what I've done has changed your view on life, I should know better. I'm a horrible person. To you. Colby needed you and I was hurting you. I was hurting you when Colby needed you. I was taking Colby when you needed him. Especially when you were healing from your disorder.

I shouldn't have forced myself on you 2 days ago, I shouldn't of slashed you with the kitchen knife. You made us all breakfast that morning and what I did was not a thank you, it was a you took my friends.

I felt lonely even when Sam and Kat and Devyn and Aaron were giving me attention... I guess I wanted Colby's attention, I wanted Corey's attention. Because Sam, Colby, Corey and I were the ghosts hunters. We were a team, and for a girl to ruin that bond, I guess I got upset and didn't accept you into our group.

I'm sorry Laura and I understand if you don't want to forgive me. Understandable. I nearly killed you just for loving Colby. I'm horrible. I just want you to know I won't ever forgive myself.

Regards Jake Webber 

Word Count 236 Words.

Heyyyy. I hope you enjoyed that. See you in the next one. ILY BYEEEEEE

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