Chapter 9 - Thanks Elton

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13th April 2019

Laura's P.O.V

I walk to the stairs and text Elton (E-Elton   L-Laura)

L- Hey Can you take me out for a bit Corey and I had a fight and I can't deal with him atm

E- Sure. I was just about to go see Scotty and the boys if you wanna come?

L- Sure, I'm coming down now.

E- Ok I'll see you down stairs now.


I walk down stairs and see Colby and Corey talking.

"Laura, please let me talk", Corey says. I see Elton and we walk out. I just ignored Corey and left with Elton.

We get in the car and we start to drive. 

"So what happened between you and Corey", Elton asks and I just sigh.

"So Colby and I were having a moment and something... Alex... Popped up in his head and I ended up this this", I say roll up my sleeves a bit and he looks at it and his jaw drops. I roll down my sleeves and just sit there.

He breaks the silence and says "Colby did that to you?" He looks shocked but he is keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Yeah but it was an accident. We were play fighting and something Alex said came back to him and he tells me to get out and I walk out and Sam runs in. I peek through the door and Corey sees my wrists and yells at Colby, I ran down stairs and wanting to leave but Kat stopped me and told me everything." I say taking a breath.

"Then a week later, today, Colby and I went out to the movies because he asked. We got back, Corey was there *I clinch my fist*, he told me to leave and he talked to Colby and I got mad. That was long story short" I say clinching my fist.

Elton just sits there in shock.

Elton's P.O.V

I can't believe Colby did that to her. What the heck. That doesn't seem like Colby. But Alex was a bitch to him and what she said was really mean.

Laura's P.O.V

We talk about things I wanna do someday and how Elton could take me with the group when everything is ok.

We arrive at Scotty's and I finally get to meet the Vlog Squad. 

"Hey guys", Elton says bro shaking the boys and hugging all the girls.

"This is Corey's sister Laura. She's here because things happened at home." Elton introduces me and I give everyone a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you all" I say smiling.

"We're about to film something if you don't mind?", Elton says pointing to the boys.

"Nah it's fine, I'll be inside" I say and he just nods, I smile and walk inside.

Elton's P.O.V

Laura walks inside and as soon as the door shuts, they all say "Is that your girlfriend?" Getting hyped. 

"No, she's just a friend. She likes Colby. They went out and Corey started some shit and she got upset so I brought her with me. Plus, she's 20, I'm 28, That's 8 years apart guys" I say and they all don't look hyped anymore.

We start filming and David arrives with Jason, Trisha, Liza and Josh. We just be goofs.

Word Count: 566 Words

Hey Guys thanks for reading this chapter, Hope you like it, See you next time. Ily Byeeee.

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