# Chapter 31 - The Shower

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A/N If you don't like the thought of cutting or people starving themselves or rape. This is a warning for future chapters. This one has a lot of that kind of stuff but if your not comfortable just skip through it. If it has # It has this kind of stuff. Ily enjoy.

23 July 2019

Laura's P.O.V

I finish editing and go to take a shower.

"Lets hope this Bloody Mary ritual works" I hear Sam say.

"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" Sam says with Kat. 

I bang on the door, "I need to take a shower. Move do this in the other bathroom".

"God Dangit Laura. We're leaving. Jeez." Sam says and they pack up and leave.

"Don't scare me like that. I could've had the baby right then and there." Kat says.

"Your not even showing babes, your fine." I say patting her shoulder and walking into the bathroom.

I get in the shower and hear the door open. Fuck I forgot to lock it. I grab my towel and cover myself.

"Can I help you. I'm kinda in the shower." I call out.

"Don't worry about that. No one has to know about this" Someone says.

He walks in and locks the door.

"Colby... I don't really fee..." I get interrupted and it's not Colby.

"Shhh. It's ok. This won't hurt" He says.

"why..." I say lost for words.

"Cause this is payback" He says.

"FOR WHAT?!" I say confused.

"You took my best friend from our hotel adventure. You hogged him on our lake trip and a couple days after that. You took him from me. He was my best friend first. You came out of no where. So turn around and shut up. Scream and... *Pulls out a knife* You get the idea." He says.

"I'm sorry Jake, Please don't do this, Please." I beg him not to do it but I feel his hand touch me and I feel the erg to cry, He pins me to the wall, I try to break free..

Tears just stream out and he is holding my hands so I don't struggle anymore. I give up. I'm weak. He just shoves inside me and goes faster till he releases all inside me. He gets the knife and puts some cuts on my body.

3 on my back. 2 on my stomach. a bunch on my arms and legs. He lets me go and walks away.

"Speak of this and I'll kill you" He says drying his hair and putting his clothes back on.

I sit there crying and in pain from the cuts. I sit there for a good 25 minutes until Colby walks in and sees me crying in the shower crying and bleeding.

"WHAT THE FUCK LAURA?!" He says and rushes to me.

"I- I can't say..." I say and Jake's behind him looking with "sympathy".

"What, you can say, what happened?"

"I-..." I see Jake giving me the death stare.

"I fell" I say wiping some tears.

"There is no way you fell an got all these cuts on you" He says.

"Your doing it again aren't you..." He says.

"Doing wha... Oh yeah. I'm sorry. It helps me" I say and Jake looks relieved.

"LAURA NO. I TOLD YOU IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO DO THIS TALK TO ME INSTEAD. I CARE ABOUT YOU LAURA." He sees the look in my eyes. He knows I lied. He then sighs and gets up. He looks at Jake.

"Actually. I know you have your phone recording when you shower in case something happens to you. I'll just look at that." He says reaching for my phone on the bench recording.

"No need to do that. You just wanna watch her play with herself then cut herself" Jake says getting defensive.

 "Really? How would you know?" Colby says. Jake stays quiet but looks like he wants to kill someone, and that someone is me.

Colby gets my towel and wraps me in it. He takes me to or room and locks the door.

"What happened. Otherwise I will look at the clip" He says. I look at him like please watch it. I don't want to say.

He saw that ans started to watch it and looked happy at first until he sees someone walk in.

The video finishes and he looks at me in horror and speechless.

I start to cry. "Hey we'll get through it... I know why you lied. You wanted to protect yourself from him. I'm gonna send Elton a text ok. He's trust worthy." He says hugging me. I just nod and sit on the bed.

Word Count 836 Words.

Hey, I hope that didn't disturb you that much. But things like this happen to people and nothing is done about it.

If thinking suicidal please call  or text-

13 11 14 - Australian lifeline

Call the at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741) - America

If a rape victim and want to talk about it 

Phone 13 14 50 - Australia

Phone 312-443-9602 - America

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